This translation was done by me, so there may be translation errors Your opinion on my translation could be important to me if I manage to post the other chapters
this series is already officially licensed in English
001 OG: 魔法使い殿次に魔力の乱れがある場所は…? TL: Wizard-sama, where is the next disruption in the factory? ED: he's asking about where the next location of the disturbance in magical power is, there is no mention of a factory. and not sure why you changed the honorific
002 OG: この先から感じます TL: I can feel it from now on ED: from up ahead
003 OG: なんだこの魔力の残滓は… TL: What's with this backlog of manufacturing power... ED: he's talking about magical residue
OG: しかも続く先は… / 排水溝…? TL: and the destination is... / the drainage boiler ED: and it leads to a drainage ditch...?
OG: みなが魔法を使うこの国で残滓をたどって推理するのは難しい… TL: Magic is so common in this country that tracking down remains and making inferences becomes a difficult task ED: tracking traces of magic
004 OG: 同時刻フォンティーユ城 TL: Fontie at the same time ED: Castle Fontaille?
006 OG: は? TL: Isn't he? ED: huh?
OG: これだけの人数と時間を費やして TL: Even after facing so many people and spending so much money ED: this is about the number of people and time being allocated, they're not the ones facing people
OG: まるでこちらの考えを読んで裏をかいているかのよう TL: It's like he's reading my thoughts and understands how we act and tries to trick them TL: the slime's outsmarting them
007 OG: 姿を見せず痕跡だけ残して罠にかかった弱者を狩る… TL: He doesn't show himself, and only his tracks, and only hunts the "weak" who fall into the trap of his tracks" ED: He doesn't show himself, only leaves traces, and hunts down the weak who fall into his traps...
OG: まるで“人”だわ TL: I thought it looked like a person ED: she's saying it acts like a person would
009 OG: 最弱ゆえに誰も警戒しない TL: No one gets suspicious because they are the weakest ED: she's saying nobody's cautious because slimes are the weakest
OG: 兵士や騎士魔法使いたちを一旦戻しましょう TL: Let's bring back the soldiers and the wizards ED: and knights
OG: しかしまだ目立った成果が… TL: However, there are still notable results... ED: he's saying the opposite (and trying to argue against her point)
Base +39, Nunderns +4, AGMlolz +22, 10tonbrick +6, KagamiShugu +9