Posted on 15 June 2024, 01:05 by:
feingla Score
Base +6, Crtarel -14, sohaiz -6, Scumbini -30, deathaxe123 -6, grobe01 -10, 9Third -6, itsaferbie -8, EroYin -6, mrblue37 -3, Fleffler -6, Anonymous169134 -6, kampfer91 -6, and 40 more...
Posted on 15 June 2024, 01:44 by:
nabusco Score
Base +9, sohaiz +6, lost289 +9, a35240 +10, Adrian_V +6, deathaxe123 +6, grobe01 +10, iganasuK +4, 9Third +6, EroYin +6, jack955 +6, Anonymous169134 +6, LegoArielFanMaster +11, and 25 more...
Base +10, deathaxe123 +6, grobe01 +10, SpECiFicN +7, 9Third +6, mrblue37 +3, jack955 +6, Anonymous169134 +6, Arsinis +6, Gambayalla +6, kafi +13, baguete +6, faytT +8, and 15 more...
Base +8, Gambayalla +6, kafi +13, faytT +8, Eddi2001 -6, Zeratul656 +7, Fofotron +19, black_sabbath +19, Cmdrtimbt +6, Porokichin66 +9, weeblord69 +6, Meccaflare +8, Hismoot +4, and 2 more...
Base +9, faytT +8, Eddi2001 -6, Zeratul656 +7, selyts +6, Ingryo +6, black_sabbath +19, Cmdrtimbt +6, Porokichin66 +9, weeblord69 +6, Meccaflare +8, Hismoot +4, MDJESB +6, and 2 more...
Base +9, Eddi2001 -6, Zeratul656 +7, Fofotron +19, black_sabbath +19, Cmdrtimbt +6, Porokichin66 +9, weeblord69 +6, shakenotstir +6, weakcneil1 +6, Meccaflare +8, Hismoot +4, MDJESB +6, and 2 more...
Base +6, faytT +8, Fofotron +19, Porokichin66 +9, Meccaflare +8, Hismoot +4
Posted on 15 June 2024, 12:31 by:
Daruna Score
Base +14, Zeratul656 +7, Fofotron +19, EroYin +6, AxelLow75 +6, Darksword696 +21, Porokichin66 +9, weeblord69 +6, Hilarity +6, Meccaflare +8, Hismoot +4, MDJESB +6, TheGameBoy50 +12
Posted on 18 June 2024, 01:40 by:
Twin182 Score
Base +7, Meccaflare -8, BlueSmoke -9, MDJESB -6, BonnieFazbun -6, TheGameBoy50 -12
Base +6, TheGameBoy50 -12