Posted on 02 March 2021, 03:18 by:
Oddacity Score
Base +7, Balletrixx +5, Dargiga +3, SSomeone +7, iggy1297 +9, darkwing42 +47, bunchy bunchy -6, pornfannumberwhatevs +17, MyOpinionIsRight +6
Posted on 23 March 2021, 22:14 by:
Darktaka Score
Base +6, drannoc +9, Flektobara +6, ChikanMaster +3, AzertyPorto +10, incogna777 +7, darkwing42 +47, bunchy bunchy -6
Posted on 08 September 2021, 10:19 by:
putinOV Score
Base +2, BubbaJ +7, bunchy bunchy -6, The Silver Wolf -1
Base +6, mcturtleton -5, Svark001 -6, bunchy bunchy -6, The Silver Wolf -1, MyOpinionIsRight -6
Posted on 21 December 2021, 00:45 by:
ZypherArc Score
Base +7, mcturtleton +5, ZXMantron -6, BubbaJ +6, Svark001 +6, Ponytailed +6, bryant8899 +6, Sick Bastard +8, linkmandl +6, bunchy bunchy -6, Tiger_Claw +6, The Silver Wolf +1, MyOpinionIsRight +6, and 2 more...