An ideal pairing: 16 repressed inches of total destruction meets a receptacle for infinite punishment and infinite reciprocated love. One living as a weapon, knowing only to sheathe herself for those she wishes no harm. Another a shield, who would not and could not go down no matter what. This one refused to let go of the other's hilt. Using her own body as an example, she taught her that these destructive impulses could be repeatedly and violently inflicted on another in service of two souls completing one another. And more importantly, she taught her to trust that she would never break, that even destruction in its ugliest and most rampant forms can be a means of love. But even after 242,4 spent gallons of semen and 37 impregnated ova, some habits die hard.
Also, it's good that you caught the first gallery picture before it got sniped off the boorus and artist's socials. Very few hentai artists know how to convey the true depths of their own deranged lust onto image, and what better way to do that than drawing your hyper-sized totally-not-a-self-insert OC being on the verge of succumbing to madness and going to town on her loli-fied hung transgender gf? Now there's an absolutely taboo string of words that couldn't inspire anything but disgust and concern and fear into the minds of many, yet it had to be drawn. It had to be committed to digital paper against all barriers of sanity and reason, with a pen in one hand and a penis in another, because this freedom is truly was what the mind desired.
Pornography doesn't hit as hard if you can't even feel the author's madness through the screen.
Wallahi, this artist is teeming with potential. Bless her life so that she may continue to bless us with expressions as pure and heartfelt as these.