Base +11, Meccaflare +8, Scarlet0_ +6, Kidvideo +6, Vinatea +18, Coledas Ukgent +15, abrickhouse +6, swordpaladin +9, ian loeffler +10, MixMasterOink +6, Alphasekai +6, bkku +7, Itsukkkkka +3, and 6 more...
Base +6, Ice_Cream +13, Fofotron +19, jklebonas +6, The Naughty Shrink +6, Meccaflare +8, Cinereus +6, kobatochandaisuki +9, ZeroXSEED +6
Posted on 24 July 2024, 06:31 by:
agagllk Score
Base +6, Cryptoclidus +6, jklebonas -6, Meccaflare +8, Rairat +3, tirthemaster -6
Posted on 26 July 2024, 08:38 by:
minnazzo Score
Base +21, Meccaflare +8, Cinereus +6