Posted on 17 October 2010, 02:41 by:
tornomer Base +7, komander +4, blcksheep1 +3, eeleater +6
Base +8, ooglyshrek +2, blcksheep1 +3, VladimirUrsinovich -3, solowing +10, eeleater +6
Base +3, reggieob +9, tornomer +7, jzohach +4, Amakawa_Yuuto +12, blcksheep1 +3, HentaiBanana +5, kit07 +5, Violentin +11, ZhaneX +9, eeleater +6, yiyoiyi +7, kinoshita_tokichiro +11, and 3 more...
Posted on 21 October 2010, 20:49 by:
camus08 Score
Base +6, blcksheep1 +3, Kaens7 +7, t-kenka +6, titoloco -7, eeleater +6, Asarta +6, OrinKiller7 +8, celcius_01 +10, Bulopu -11, metaflux01 +6
Base +2, jzohach +4, blcksheep1 +3, titoloco -7, eeleater +6, celcius_01 +10
Posted on 06 December 2012, 08:20 by:
ZXRN Score
Base +9, Nonamewalker +5, eeleater +6, Yowazzupmynig +6, bachelorettefrog +6
Base +1, eeleater +6, yiyoiyi +7, OrinKiller7 +8
Base +9, eeleater +6, yiyoiyi +7, Yowazzupmynig +6, LazyBoii +11, OrinKiller7 +8, metaflux01 +6, Divine_Intervention +9, hellocakeguy +1, the observer +7, bachelorettefrog +6, avrelivs +6, as102 +13, and 1 more...
Base +4, bachelorettefrog +6
Posted on 25 January 2015, 16:33 by:
karambula Score
Base +4, celcius_01 +10, Angel Xtreme +7, Bulopu +11, SuperStickman22 +6, Ooe Kintarou +3, Divine_Intervention +9, EinstEisen +7, nyapypypy +6, mnkyslut +11, the observer +7, avrelivs +6, flashpanty +8
Base +5, Bulopu -11, IS IRIS -6, Wilfriback +7, TheOneMavado +3, cochrane +14, Divine_Intervention +9, otome33 -6, hellocakeguy +1, Robeofectoplasm +5, procrastinator0109 -6, the observer +7, avrelivs +6, and 2 more...
Base +1, Divine_Intervention +9, radiolissom +6, Markerov +6, bachelorettefrog +6, avrelivs +6, Xerxis +8, as102 +13, Friday13th +6
Posted on 28 September 2016, 17:09 by:
kerokami Score
Base +8
Posted on 10 September 2021, 12:06 by:
Ilyia Score
Last edited on 10 September 2021, 12:31.
Base +7, dorksword1 +7, IS IRIS -6, avrelivs -6, Xerxis -8, Friday13th -6, Taxoplasmosis -8
Base +6, IS IRIS +6, avrelivs +6, Xerxis +8, Friday13th +6, Taxoplasmosis +8