23 has a made a series of images of a lesbian couple with one of the girls looking just like Kana. You can spot the two lovebirds and more images featuring the happy couple in this gallery here: /s/38247c5a28/2466043-84 I like to think the kana we see here in the comic is the younger version, before she met her partner.
So, do you guys like Kagami Kana? Well, she's also a Vtuber! But i guess she quit since the last upload was over a year ago. Nonetheless, here is the link to her channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLFCxTaDvxEWLVliAmAQFDg
Speaking of which, a number of sex toys featuring Kagami's image were also made. I actually happen to own her boobs and ass, two boob board covers and a longer one for a dakimura/air pillow and uh.. i think one.. maybe two ASMR cd's. All featuring 23's amazing artwork.
I got her ass pretty cheap (yeah that didn't sound weird at all...) in a sexshop in Tokyo last year. It was on a table which i assume was kinda like a bargain table. A few months ago i went back and got her boobs as well so now i've got the set ^^ Although the boobs were more expensive, the shop i bought them at had it for quite less than the suggested retail price. I don't think i would've purchased it otherwise, you can get boob toys pretty cheap but the bigger and heavier ones are really expensive. Like hundreds of dollars/euro's expensive, and Kana's boobs and ass are huge and heavy, both weighing 6 kilograms (13lbs) each.
I still haven't unpacked any of it though.. Not sure when and if i would do that. I just bought them mainly for 23's art :P I'm sure i will get to it some time... Since the sleeves are cloth and pretty much nothing can happen to that, the boxes for the boobs and ass were beat up a little from transport in my suitcase but they came out pretty ok.