Posted on 22 October 2010, 06:35 by:
ikaki Score
Base +8, yami-kunNO +5, komander +4, blood racer +6, Person8 -8, Dividedbyzero -7, moo21 -1, Secundus +4, kalnaf +6, KungFuTruffle -9, Toey -18, wanderer9 +7, uhho -9, and 6 more...
Base +9, grobe01 +7, blood racer +6, Anae10 +4, Dividedbyzero +7, charbiter +7, Secundus +4, sibylla50 +6, chikana +8, KungFuTruffle +9, uhho +9, ClariNerd +14, Rolled +3, and 6 more...
Posted on 25 October 2010, 22:04 by:
SJMK Score
Base +4, Secundus -4, Nashrakh -11, KungFuTruffle -9, ClariNerd -7, Toey -18, wanderer9 -7
Posted on 20 June 2011, 15:49 by:
Jo Umero Score
Base +4, TheOldDeus +2, akunoko -28, MelmothTheWanderer +33
Posted on 15 June 2012, 22:43 by:
Remlo Score
Base +1, TheOldDeus +2, revenent666 -8, akunoko -28, MelmothTheWanderer +33, hewhocumsbynight +6