Posted on 15 July 2024, 10:48 by:
Elizar Score
Base +7, Japz321 +6, Celibate_Wanker +14, horror6 +6, Trellion +6, PinguPrin +7, Ice_Cream +13, sgc_geh +12, baneonplane +9, the missing link +9, LordBarn +8, oheye +9, HajimeNoIppo42 +8, and 8 more...
Base +7, LordBarn -8, Lewd Truth +6, baneonplane -9, Fenriswolf90 -7, red death68 +6, jesusomar95 -6, gonfrankyfreaks +11, a214908a +6, JillSandwichLi -6, kenabrxg +18
Posted on 20 July 2024, 13:29 by:
Sopai Score
Base +6, LordBarn +8, oheye +9, Kaiki-tan +6, EXR +6, Chaingurl +6, RedScare8 +6, baneonplane +9, anonymousMember +6, jesusomar95 +6, MadMilkPT +8, gonfrankyfreaks +11, cukier12345678 +6, and 4 more...