I made this because I was tired of surfing through multiple things to find new Tsubaki pictures; sure, I know there are some great folders with pictures of Tsubaki, but there are more out there as well, so I've decided to take all I've found (that I think are decent, at least *no offense to anyone tastes*) and put them in here.
I never made any of these, so none of the rights are mine. If using anyone's artwork offends them (which, if it does, they should start going through other galleries as well), tell me and I'll take it off.
I would not really call this one a 'huge Tsubaki folder', more along the lines of three pages of unique pictures and then three more of the same image repeated a few times by the same exact artist. But I'm not one to complain, Tsubaki is my favorite character. :3 Nice job but uh, try to add a few more unique pictures and maybe mix it up a bit.