Name of each supporter for Biro's campaign in order: BluKodi: Biro cares about the Everyman, he’s ready to support y’all
Ben300: Biro is never afraid to try new things, a vote for him is a vote for bravery!
NogitsuneGabriel: If you’re a needy mom, consider voting for Biro! If you’re not, consider visiting, he might help you deliver!
ChaseTheQuilava: Don’t believe all those nasty rumors! Biro is a loyal supporter of the traditional family!
Dialuca01: Biro is already sneaking into the President office, and bringing some voters with him for a once in a lifetime experience!
Dialuca01: His office is always wide open to welcome all of your suggestions! He truly is a bird of the people
ShironShyo: No day will pass without Biro’s staff praising how welcoming and generous he can be!
ShironShyo: Working for Biro can be a delight, it’s public knowledge how easily he can hand enormous raises when asked nicely!
JoltArtworks: Tired of all these politicians giving you and your species’ tribe the stink eye? Biro will give each and every one of you the bedroom eyes instead!
Azurewolfx: Public relations are a very important point on Biro’s document: if you’re an important representative (or introduce yourself as such) you’ll get his full night and day attention!
ZetaScales: When you’re sure you’re gonna win the elections, you might as well get ahead and familiarize with the secret services! Some are definite keepers~
Closing offer: Now that you've seen Biro's 11 points program, would you vote for him as your undisputed US universal president?