Posted on 31 October 2010, 23:42 by:
20200 Score
Base +29, Darkness Despair Destruction +8, Setebos -12, Mageta -9, cscope +1, Shadow Weaver +52, Preggers -7, Crummydoll +7, NoNameNoBlame +25, Kiranta -6, Hitsuyou-H +27, opem +8, family.garv +11, and 1 more...
Base +8, grobe01 +7, Ryougi +5, Tiniuc +2, HXW +5, Setebos +12, disturbedone855 -4, notfinn +8, Zero Angel +26, pfniek +5, MikeTheDragon +8, cscope -1, Preggers +7, and 11 more...
Base +5, notfinn -8, Mageta -9, Zero Angel -26, pfniek -5, comic2comic +8, Tiniuc -3, Slartibartfast -7, MikeTheDragon -8, cscope +1, Preggers -7, grobe01 -7, reggieob -9, and 9 more...
Base +8, LenaCox +1, tohya -6, Kiranta +5, sgc_geh -1, Hitsuyou-H -27, magico alverman -8, BLUELIGHTMOON +5, zohain -5, qwertz789 +5, emperor20 -8, Imsolo -6, DarkKiy +6
Posted on 06 April 2020, 10:47 by:
Shezari Score
Base +6