Posted on 18 August 2024, 23:02 by:
Valdragon Score
Base +14, Jesus_2020774 +6, falafelswoop +6, vileneedles -7, aatroxnerfer +4, memyselfandI +6, Sandslashed -6, Nonolark +7, lurkm0ar +6, redsword2 +6, hexilant -10, SavageTaters +6, Sylphvine +6, and 29 more...
Base +27, Chrome Noir +6, Videogamingfreak13 +7, aatroxnerfer +4, Tangle8025 +3, Sydin +9, Amarus +6, that4znkid +8, Drocher1489 +6, Claks +6, amarie +6, Manakemia +7, Jack Knife +6
Posted on 18 August 2024, 23:08 by:
Megumin16 Score
Base +5, aatroxnerfer +4, hexilant -10, RaizelX -7, Manakemia +7, Spoopyman -6, EroLordZ +9, Jack Knife +6
Posted on 18 August 2024, 23:09 by:
Seviper4 Score
Base +7, sethll7 -6, arnauf +8, Jesus_2020774 -6, falafelswoop -6, aatroxnerfer -4, lurkm0ar +6, Kouma_ +6, RagingBoner1 +6, guilhermephoda -12, ciberraja -7, RaizelX -7, Narcisowo -6, and 8 more...
Base +20, aatroxnerfer +4, Sandslashed -6, RagingBoner1 -6, guilhermephoda +12, dom1anon +6, player4578 +6, Tangle8025 -3, zarathustra1357 -7, noname31 +6, lolislayer3000 +6
Posted on 18 August 2024, 23:41 by:
chriseras Score
Base +35, falafelswoop +6, aatroxnerfer +4, Sandslashed -6, Tangle8025 -3, hexilant -10, Kurokuh +6, SavageTaters +6, kurono -9, guilhermephoda +12, DazWolf +6, RaizelX -7, Narcisowo +6, and 5 more...
Base +6, Fofotron -20, ElementFD +26, Sánguine1 +6, lewgnik +6, GC1real +6, last_letter +6, Bangin -6, Amarus +6, DazWolf -6, RaizelX +7, dom1anon -6, player4578 -6, and 2 more...
Posted on 19 August 2024, 04:30 by:
father1 Score
Base +12, Vancleave -6, dom1anon -6, GGS +10, GrubboBucci -6
Base +6, dom1anon -6, GGS +10, player4578 -6, Tangle8025 +3, Greenie341 -6
Base +10, RaizelX -7, Fofotron +20, that4znkid +8, gamebustacat -6, dom1anon +6, player4578 +6, john34404 +7, Jack Knife +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Posted on 19 August 2024, 13:06 by:
father1 Score
Base +12
Posted on 04 September 2024, 17:16 by:
rick410xx Score
Base +6, player4578 +6, Tangle8025 -3, DolphinFrall +6, Spoopyman -6, granojo84 +6, RaizelX -7, Sylph_Doll +11, Jack Knife +6, WhiteVox +6, Greenie341 +6, noname31 +6, EdenCanonized +6