Whoever archived this, you are my hero. I've been looking everywhere for archives of Kara's works. To anyone complaining about this stuff, look through and you can see some a little Bleached stuff too lmao, it's raceplay on both sides. Shame he seemed to quit before he made more of those.
I don’t know if you stopped looking at his stuff for a long time, but some of his more recent works posted were very real anti-white anti-Asian hate posts wishing death on everybody that was not black Or of color color. And no, it was not satire. His Twitter The same as well and no, I don’t have a link to it
His content has always had extreme raceplay shit where it endorsed murder, genocide, and rape. It's part of the fetish, I doubt any of that was genuine, given if he was seriously a black supremacist he wouldn't touch bleached with a ten foot pole. He's pretty nice in reality from what I've seen, I asked how he does his edits and he gave me a link to the tutorials he used.