Sorry the long vertical text boxes make the typesetting on this one a little bit weird and I'm sorry I didn't have access to a clean version to redo the boxes, but I tried my best!! I hope you enjoy the translation ^^ I couldn't leave this cutie untranslated ;;
Gotta say, it's rare to see a GB hentai go about like this...
- Protag is GBed against will (typical)
- Gets captured by shady rich/powerful people to exploit her (also typical)
- Gets sexually exploited and derives immense pleasure from the milking experience (ditto)
- Friend/colleague doesn't forget about them and ACTUALLY rescues our MC from the place. (Oh?)
- MC comes out of the sexual shenanigans NOT a mind broken whore/cockslave. (Huh...)
- Gets a little comeuppance by not only GBing a captor, but going a step further by making her a bimbo too. (Baddies are the ones mindbroken here, not MC.)
- Stuck as a hot girl that went through intense sexual experience, yet retains their OG personality and intelligence. (Based)
8/10. Docked 2 points for not having at least a page or two of the GB transition/transformation process. It would have been hot to see her get taller, slowly fill out the dress, and for the male bits to shrink and turn into vagina/clit, but the rest was great.