It's pretty funny that this ancient magic ability adds a zipper to the target's remnant flesh. Once that thought crossed my mind I found myself unable to shake it...
In any case, thanks for the upload. It's good!
Base +6, monaniXD +6, Cmdrtimbt +6, okjmn +6, Sydorovich +6
It is funny the idea of an innkeeper getting such a powerful abilty... but since Kvothe was running a tavern who knows. And the hero being another pervert who wantgs to be a girl to avoid fighting, and joining th plan is a good plottwist.
Base +32, DianaPrince +12, Sydorovich +6, PossessedKosuzu +3
Posted on 01 September 2024, 20:22 by: ChronicLogic
Score +39
uh, everyone is going to be suspicious since the innkeeper and the hero just disappeared at the inn.
Base +6, Soldier A +6, Sydorovich +6, PossessedKosuzu +3, m42a +18