In economics, there exists a concept known as "spontaneous supply," which refers to the phenomenon where, in the face of severe shortages of a particular good or service, consumers may voluntarily engage in the production or provision of that good or service to meet their own needs or those of others. 在经济学领域里有这么一个概念,叫“自发性供给”,意思是当某种商品或服务严重供不应求时,消费者为了满足自身或他人的需求,会主动参与到生产或提供该商品或服务的过程中。 I was counting on @purpul from the forum, but he pulled a disappearing act. Three months is too long to wait, I'm starving here, so I'm gonna hunt down these assets myself. 论坛里本来有个人在搬运LAIKA的,但是他只发了几期就失踪了,至今已有三个月,我等不了,我不能饿着,所以我要自己产粮了