Base +6, toonfan +7, grobe01 -7, Tiniuc -4, Ney-2000 +8, Mageta +9, Ren Ichimoku +8, snakefishxxx +4, Crummydoll -7, ezrewriter +10, desider86 +1, Giovannihur +5, yaoiboi +6
Base +4, Shadow Weaver -52, Conquest101 -27, pfniek -6, grobe01 -7, ohmightycat -17, PeteParrot -5, yaoiboi +1
Base +8, Slartibartfast +7, Tiniuc +4, Dikastes +6, A Concerned Citizen +6, Driuz -2, Sarik -5, Gestapo Hunter +2, Ney-2000 -8, Ren Ichimoku -8, ogami666 +8, ecojet84 -4, snakefishxxx -4, and 7 more...
Base +7, PeteParrot -5, Tiniuc -4, Dikastes -6, A Concerned Citizen -6, Sarik +5, Gestapo Hunter -2, reggieob -9, Ney-2000 +8, Mageta -9, Ren Ichimoku +8, ogami666 -8, snakefishxxx +4, and 7 more...
Base +5, reggieob -9, ezrewriter +10, Hitsuyou-H -27, yaoiboi +6
Posted on 12 November 2010, 13:51 by:
ctmk Score
Base +11, Mageta -10, General Lente +9, Hitsuyou-H -27, yaoiboi +6
Base +9, Mageta -10, hellspenguin +8, Hitsuyou-H -27, raven8 +8, yaoiboi +6
Posted on 18 December 2010, 13:36 by:
Taii Score
Base +6, Mageta -10, General Lente +9, yaoiboi +6
Posted on 17 February 2017, 21:42 by:
rdbtpgdb Score
Base +33