Many people are familiar with the artist "墨迹(Ink Blot)," a well-known figure in the AI community. He is one of the victims of the PIXIV policy changes. After observing his activities over the past year (from July last year to July this year), it seems he has been going through tough times, with his update frequency decreasing significantly. In light of this, I hope to use my influence on this forum to call on everyone: those who work with dedication deserve encouragement. Please subscribe and support him as much as you can. I will include this statement in every post where I share his works, hoping that as many people as possible will see it. If "墨迹" himself sees these posts, I want to say: Keep going, Mr. Wang! 相信很多人都知道墨迹这位画师,算是AI圈的老面孔了,他是PIXIV政策改变的受害者之一,我观察了他近一年的动态,似乎过得比较苦,更新频率也越拉越长,有鉴于此,我希望借助我在这个论坛的一点点影响力,向大家发出呼吁:用心做事的人值得被鼓励,请尽可能订阅支持一下他。这份声明我会放在每一期搬运他的作品的帖子里,期望让尽量多的人能看得到。如果墨迹本人也能看到这些帖子,我要说一句:加油啊王先生!
#Disclaimer 免责声明 He has explicitly stated that he doesn't concern himself with others distributing his work online; he only wishes for more subscribers. 他本人明确说过:网上其他人散播他的作品他管不着,他只希望多一点订阅用户