Base +22, Kelras +6, capivara22 +4, 2Forward1 +6, guilhermephoda +12, cichy133 +26, jake1237 +7, Mister_Zer +6, wavedash +21
Posted on 16 September 2024, 15:07 by:
gamesup Score
Base +7, vladulenta -7, Sid(A) -6, Kelras -6, eisaatana -7, capivara22 -4, Aretak -6, Rize ZP -6, curryboi -6, Boomer30569 -14, Planetary -7, 2Forward1 -6, guilhermephoda -12, and 34 more...
Base +4, capivara22 -4, Aretak -6, Rize ZP -6, curryboi -6, Boomer30569 -14, Planetary -7, 2Forward1 -6, guilhermephoda -12, Obli-Kisaragi -7, anoneu -7, steveyolo80 -10, war15 -8, and 26 more...
Last edited on 17 September 2024, 18:05.
Base +1, BlitzZ21 +6, war15 -8, Boomer30569 -14, Ryuzitz -6, cichy133 -26, Kelras -6, platzbo -10, bentonfalls -6, guilhermephoda -12, Sid(A) -6, Aspargofarmer -6, Lrnt -6, and 6 more...
Posted on 17 September 2024, 06:28 by:
Taigao Score
Base +4, anon8092354 -6, cichy133 -26, orpadoy -2, bentonfalls +6, Metrevil -7, Adachi Did It -6, vincinuge -6, anonymousMember +6, cherrykngiht -6, UglyBoiMewch +6, Whoopus -6, Aspargofarmer +6, and 16 more...
Base +6, wolf52181 +6, Metrevil -7, jake1237 -7, guilhermephoda +12, Hearyn +6, Adachi Did It +6, Sid(A) +6, AlexMercer78 +6, Aspargofarmer +6, mikeyboyo +6, Stddealer +6, Kelras +6, and 10 more...
Base +1, jake1237 -7, Molokofido -9, Remy1228 -6, wavedash -21, war15 -8, ghkd8186 -8, guilhermephoda -12, InfinityGeneration -25
Base +6, Hearyn +6, Aspargofarmer +6, IbIntern +6, mikeyboyo +6, Remy1228 +6, justaregularman +6, TomBoss123 -21, LewdSalmon +2
Base +1, mikeyboyo +6, Waheros2310 +5, Kelras +6, bentonfalls -6, wamo_slamo +6, WattieWasTaken -6, TomBoss123 -21, bob124 +6, guilhermephoda +12, DongoMontone +6, 1a2t3 +6, Bangin -6, and 1 more...
Posted on 08 October 2024, 18:48 by:
syueien Score
Base +6, 1a2t3 +6
Base +6, I am Mort +6, FrightenedWatermelon +4