So this dude's(I highly suspect he's Kaiysx) been hustling his artwork on our forum for a while now. I've been keeping an eye on his stuff for like two months, and it's actually not half bad. Therefore, I'll go ahead and give him some exposure. 这个账号的号主(高度怀疑也是Kaiysx)也一直在咱们论坛做推广,我留意了2个月了,图做的还行,所以我还是搬一下吧 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The long holiday is upon us once more. So, as per tradition, from today until September 30th, content updates will double on every working day. For the holiday itself, updates will be a bit more sporadic. Happy National Day, whether you mark it on October 1st or October 10th. 小长假又来了,那么按照老规矩,从今天起到9月30号的每一个工作日,内容推送量加倍,至于假期嘛就随缘更新了。无论你认可的国庆日是10月1号還是雙十節,我都祝你国庆节快乐 ——2024-09-23