Base +6, birthday kid +3, pupss97162 +12, Sirolin -6, 夜雀的歌声 -6, shenyuanelang -9, bukengji -6, qwer85534781 +6, Akrbear -4, nakanoshoto -4, LSFLKgt -3, 龙也失利 +1, 绝望和声 +6, and 41 more...
Base +6, YQ036 +6, R.frost +4, 6113383 +6, MeeeoU +4, 离奇乀半仙 +6, 夜雀的歌声 +6, shenyuanelang +9, 13sakuya +6, neverendnew +8, 1497792229nojoy +3, hhhlssl +4, qwer85534781 -6, and 33 more...
Posted on 20 May 2023, 04:01 by:
Ft8P Score
Base +2, 龙也失利 +1, MJmememe -2, youke56 -4, oche42 +5, dhjejjend -3, aviskuo -6, 東原乄 +3, 崩坏の少年 +6, E etc +6, Mzhuang +6, bbc051031rjh +6, YQ036 +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 23 July 2023, 14:26 by:
zzl5970 Score
Base +6, 夜雀的歌声 -6, shenyuanelang -9, 千夜子笑靥 -6, 13sakuya -6, lovejapan911 -6, Bili.Xiaojie +2, neverendnew -8, Renherz Chronos -6, yinyinxingling -4, hhhlssl -4, bukengji -6, BiliLuoChen -3, and 42 more...
Posted on 23 July 2023, 16:07 by:
ERROR45 Score
Base +4, Friendship8888 +6, Bili.Xiaojie -2, hhhlssl +4, 龙也失利 -1, 绝望和声 -6, bukengji -6, yuugi10085 +6, lanyu23 -6, bsncsi -3, help jerkWisus +2, 崩坏の少年 -6, weiliangx11 -3, and 1 more...
Posted on 16 September 2023, 18:17 by:
p810 Score
Base +4, yu2988 +6, weiliangx11 +3, helseed +7
Posted on 08 January 2024, 19:30 by:
CatNoiR Score
Base +6, Lok ed +6, XDXDMAN +8, nslfo +7, kingjoker +6, 啊,这 +6, 小非哉 +6, bersaie +6, starrian33 +2, yuugi10085 +6, a87zxc +6, youke56 +4, This Fffire +2, and 16 more...
Base +6, 崩坏の少年 -6, 念着倒别了说 +6, yiguomigong +6, 卡尔古斯塔夫 +6, 空白゜ +6, 冰璃雨曦 +1