Base +2, Romi the Byzantine -7, Masthorbaiter -3, Makkeli +13, XLS1 +7, NotDiegoBrando +6, darienkd +9, Janime +7, BaneESPr +5, stupid army +7, Lostalgia +8, JohnDoeB +6, CrimsonFucker +6, and 107 more...
Posted on 18 December 2018, 05:57 by:
vjm3 Score
Base +6, kaneqc +6, Dawnell_do -1, Jacktheripper1991 +4, SomethingVidya +5, snpaa +6, Raorao -9, zalbard +7, Captian Katsura -7, dogbertcarroll +12, Awoya +6, elTigre00 -8, darienkd -9, and 87 more...
Base +6, ariani123 -7, Braltewrakcus -9, walnut225 -6, rafasilva -12, secret internet -6, Mr C -7, DarkDZ +6, Xterminator09 -1, Bane13 +50, SteelHalberd +4, qwertz789 -6, 1qazqaz +7, and 22 more...
Base +7, dirtyhairry +18, shuntensatsu +15, stupid army +7, Henriquo +6, ariani123 +7, Lostalgia +8, Braltewrakcus +9, rambo voller -8, Mr C -7, Xterminator09 +1, SteelHalberd +4, jaynautk +6, and 9 more...
Posted on 08 January 2019, 07:57 by:
piyin Score
Base +25, JohnDoeB +6, rambo voller -8, Mr C -7, Xterminator09 +1, 1qazqaz +7, Xaiver.D -5, Aadiir +10, CaptainRessentiment +6, Keioz +6, Natsume-han +6, yazzukimo +6, Civil_Tomato_Enjoyer +4
Posted on 08 January 2019, 10:10 by:
Zeikfried Score
Base +14, JohnDoeB +6, tonyxxx +7, Randomman24 +4, randomperson +10, tfyfdsdt +6, sav7775 +6, homoteus +6, Pesmerga +6, rambo voller +8, shuntensatsu +15, secret internet +6, darkkiller97 +9, and 55 more...
Base +5, walnut225 -6, rambo voller +8, Mr C -7, Bane13 +50, SteelHalberd +4, dave_cna +5, prostoann14 +6, JohnDoeB +6, celerityyx +7, bachelorettefrog +6, BubbaJ +6, Imrahil97 +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 26 January 2019, 22:05 by:
hoigoigoi Score
Base +21, rambo voller -8, darkkiller97 +9, Mr C -7, Xterminator09 +1, SteelHalberd +4, Kuro Neko -30, eddyfinnso -8, emt521 +6, ruru410 -6, DKblitz -6, DrFreyr -3, ALEX2451 +6, and 2 more...
Base +16, rambo voller +8, Mr C -7, Xterminator09 +1, Randomman24 +5, SteelHalberd +4, JohnDoeB +6, Kuro Neko -30, AlexTheGray +6
Base +11, darkkiller97 +9, Mr C -7, DarkDZ +6, Xterminator09 +1, orezz -6, 山区大宝剑 +5, anonymousMember -6, SteelHalberd -4, The_Minotaur -6, Kuro Neko -30, eddyfinnso -8, Janice_Em -6, and 13 more...
Base +6, bachelorettefrog +6, drannoc +7, Kuro Neko -30, Janice_Em -6, 185484 +7, polandball +8, DKblitz -6, tyguy -7, 40tkii -6, ToaKraka +7, Fenl1 +6, JakubFabijan -4, and 1 more...
Base +8, orezz -6, Randomman24 +5, SteelHalberd -4, cg8 +9, bachelorettefrog -6, SkoD -6, Kuro Neko -30, eddyfinnso -8, Imrahil97 +6, The Inker -8, emt521 +6, CaptainRessentiment +6, and 11 more...
Base +6, newtype711 +6, SteelHalberd +4, Xerxes47 +6, jkezer +11, JohnDoeB +6, Hughemungo +6, bravo 6 +6, NazWell +9, Aadiir +10, MrDanger +6, Janice_Em +6, tyguy +7, and 17 more...
Posted on 02 April 2019, 23:48 by:
S3m Name Score
Base +6, fakefalsofaketrue +6, SteelHalberd +4, JohnDoeB +6, SenhorPexe +6, Kouji Kabuto +6, crimsonkoba +7, JakubFabijan +4, gostoso69 +4, AlexTheGray +6
Base +6, Jack_Raiden +6, Rakkino -6, Qetu123 -6, giygaskiller -6, SteelHalberd -4, The_Minotaur -6, prostoann14 -6, JohnDoeB -6, hellspenguin -7, Hughemungo +6, fortis228 -7, wotan042 -8, and 19 more...
Posted on 08 May 2019, 21:53 by:
Maerynn Score
Base +7, JohnDoeB +6, CaptainRessentiment +6, ShowMehYaMoves +6, bertusz +7, DrFreyr +3, Natsume-han +6, yarobas +6, Civil_Tomato_Enjoyer +4
Posted on 24 May 2019, 22:18 by:
Edd085 Score
Base +10, Kuro Neko -30, ruru410 -6, maskun -6, dyalibya -8, JakubFabijan -4, Lokinot -7
Base +3, JohnDoeB +6, Imrahil97 +6, CaptainRessentiment +6, ShowMehYaMoves +6, homoteus +6, Natsume-han +6, Civil_Tomato_Enjoyer +4
Posted on 11 June 2019, 23:38 by:
江泽ming Score
Base +5, langren442 +4
Posted on 15 June 2019, 13:37 by:
hachimu Score
Base +6, Kuro Neko +32, tonyxxx +7, Cybe +6, Janice_Em +6, Tesxy +31, AnswerIsAlwayMiata +7, darkkiller97 +9, snpaa +6, SomeRed +6, ruru410 +6, zdycham +6, Keioz +6, and 22 more...
Base +4, xXGottSteinXx +6, tonyxxx +7, titoloco -7
Posted on 30 June 2019, 21:42 by:
Ilverin Score
Base +5, Kuro Neko -30, tonyxxx +7, Janice_Em +6, logan.converse +9, DrFreyr +3, Azhagal +16
Base +6, Nakayami +8, SmokingSalamander +4
Posted on 17 September 2020, 23:49 by:
FeersEHen Score
Base +6, darkkiller97 -9, maskun -6, Feignan -2, JakubFabijan +4, Lokinot -7, AngryMark +6
Posted on 07 October 2020, 09:20 by:
boywolf Score
Base +6
Posted on 31 October 2020, 01:15 by:
ART65 Score
Base +6, SapphireScorpio +6, Philbright +1, langren442 +4, sunshineandlolipops +24
Posted on 10 March 2021, 04:02 by:
ng34 Score
Base +6, Bookrat15 +6, fap222222 +6, SapphireScorpio +6, rambo voller +22, Tesxy +31, NeBuR1997 +6, dyalibya +8, Wolflorz +7, hellspenguin +7, Roubat +6, VanceWilliams +7, sadikus +32, and 3 more...
Posted on 11 March 2021, 15:18 by:
havocbb Score
Base +6, NeBuR1997 +6, dyalibya +8, Roubat +6, AmITooLate +6, AlexTheGray +6, skeeve2005 +3
Base +2, dyalibya +8, DarlaMC -6
Base +5, Lyssa +6, jode27195 +6, xXJudexXx -6, Natsume-han +6
Base +6, DrFreyr +3, lucinto +6, Sad-Panda232 +6, end_times +6, poppop21 +6, yazzukimo +6, AlexTheGray +6, blingbling62 +4
Base +4, xXJudexXx -6, JakubFabijan -4, yazzukimo +6, AlexTheGray -6
Posted on 28 June 2022, 07:25 by:
grlt Score
Base +3, Nintyfresh +9
Base +15, LunaCat +6, yarobas +6, vas_paul +6, sunshineandlolipops +32
Posted on 06 November 2022, 09:47 by:
andersbac Score
Base +7, snpaa +6, LulaBony +5, Nintyfresh +9, Feftak -11, DarlaMC +6, cacatel -6
Posted on 22 July 2023, 20:12 by:
grlt Score
Last edited on 28 July 2023, 21:52.
Base +3, sunshineandlolipops +32, NeBuR1997 +6, Silver_Kirin +6
Base +9, snpaa +6, NeBuR1997 +6, ImaculatelyMassive +1, sunshineandlolipops +32, bass915 +7, gogoman124 +6, S1rofogu +6, Silver_Kirin +6, cacatel +6, Olinser +10
Posted on 04 February 2024, 23:03 by:
grlt Score
Base +3, Classified -6, ImaculatelyMassive -1, AlexTheGray -6, Fremder +6, Lionelio -6, gogoman124 +6, S1rofogu -6, ken59 -10, tonyxxx -7
Posted on 22 December 2024, 18:43 by:
Consumers Score
Base +6