Posted on 17 October 2024, 01:25 by:
Gatobrujo Score
Base +7, desioner -10, nm9440102 -6, Alpha-Q -6, Nonamestodisplaypls -6, Alex Takumi -6, mm223456789 +22, Nestral +6, Kisama404 -6, Ex69 -6, Gear-01 -6, roflenad -7, homa -7, and 15 more...
Base +1, Nonamestodisplaypls -6, djseifer -6, mm223456789 +22, GRAW19 +7, LerioSan -6, XXI laurel21 +3, Nestral +6, Kisama404 -6, icontributenothing +19, Ex69 +6, zzl5970 +6, roflenad -7, and 8 more...
Base +9, limd +11, Alex Takumi +6, GRAW19 -7, orezz +6, LerioSan +6, Nestral -6, Kisama404 +6, icontributenothing -19, Ex69 +6, homa +7, mowang_12 +6, Sasugasm +6, and 6 more...
Base +6, Elkeleda -5, Nestral -6, Kisama404 +6, yoshi945 +6, b217285 +36, icontributenothing -19, Ex69 +6, homa +7, Sasugasm +6, IceFox9026 +23, tesuratesura +6, ryoken23 +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 17 October 2024, 06:33 by:
不出来啊wdnmd Score
Base +3, DaiShiedd +6, Ex69 +6, homa -7, victoryuen13 -9, 幻小噬le +4, stephenw06 -6, RONGRUO1 -8, Natsuzuki -6
Posted on 17 October 2024, 07:15 by:
wacyxy Score
Base +5, Natsuzuki -6, Wk-Malion -5, Ex69 -6, victoryuen13 -9, xianyuforest4 -1, stephenw06 -6