Base +7, Tehess +6, Elitefire +6, Fofotron +20, Renuarb +6, Shurikensei +10, goya_dechi +6, jplshejeser +24, Sodom Fire -5, PinguPrin +7, Nightwolf5251 +6, Soldier A +6, zzyhgn -6, and 3 more...
Posted on 21 October 2024, 19:34 by:
ohgodwhai Score
Base +6, goya_dechi +6, Gen-kun +6, jplshejeser +24, Renuarb +6, MacAndCheese21 -6, Sodom Fire -5, Nightwolf5251 -6, Soldier A +6, doomskull999 -6, kaorok +6, alexanderson333 -6, Darknessend +7
Posted on 21 October 2024, 21:48 by:
NeerHeer Score
Base +6, tsuza +8, jplshejeser +24, MacAndCheese21 -6, Sodom Fire -5, PinguPrin +7, Nightwolf5251 +6, SpartanWin11 +6, Kvothe5692 +6, Quantequila +8, newboy128 +6, tubo +6, kaorok +6, and 1 more...
Base +6, MacAndCheese21 -6, Sodom Fire -5, Nightwolf5251 -6, deadpool49 +6, Kvothe5692 +6, Puddingdragon21 -6, mopak +6, doomskull999 -6, tubo -6, ADIN0 +10, alexanderson333 -6, theboredotaku +7