Posted on 22 October 2024, 00:50 by:
Innis1071 Posted on 22 October 2024, 01:28 by:
FROGuud Score
Base +5, dkstFeb.1 +7, kissen66 +1
Base +7, Nightwishman +19, joeeerandom +2, Quote Marks +10, ShiftyFish +6, kiritogamer24 +6, Tryndamere95 +22, Spooky Ghost Butts +8, asterix666 +6, Nightwolf5251 +6, LordOfBackdoors +6, Neckbreak86 +7, Negara +6, and 22 more...
Base +6, Queer Kitty -4, Nightwolf5251 +6, EisakuOtani -10, kentrell leonard69 -6, samiruy -6, valkyrur7 +6, reversibel -6, Freelanceactual -6, EcchiProfiler -6, Generic_Generica -6, dkstFeb.1 -7, Dokiliny -6, and 17 more...
Base +11, Tryndamere95 +22, asterix666 +6, Banatine +7, Nightwolf5251 +6, Equilibrant +7, LordOfBackdoors +6, Neckbreak86 +7, AZN DUDE +8, EisakuOtani +10, sora21345 +7, Maeriden +8, MSTallgeese +17, and 38 more...
Base +7, Nightwolf5251 -6, EisakuOtani -10, kentrell leonard69 -6, samiruy -6, valkyrur7 +6, reversibel -6, EcchiProfiler -6, Generic_Generica -6, Dokiliny -6, Imperialguard350 -9, 00Zer00 -7, skeeve2005 +3, and 10 more...
Base +6, ZeirThunderGod +6, Teebles +6, jere512 +6
Base +13, ZeirThunderGod +6