Posted on 03 November 2024, 03:22 by:
kire5613 Posted on 03 April 2023, 21:51 by:
joe375 Score
Base +6, Flier7915 -4, C4th0de +9, brotherdudejack -6, 3Eggnogfatality +4, Meadaga -7, Cederic +6, hellocakeguy +6, Hkaa +6, takkita21 +6, lolteambleach1 +6, Partsin -6, Kiranta +6, and 62 more...
Posted on 03 April 2023, 21:59 by:
exofang Score
Base +7, 3Eggnogfatality +4, hellocakeguy +6, Hkaa +6, Partsin -6, MehMeher -5, zetcross -6, *Happy Camper* +6, dehog +6, thequack1212 -6, kingwolf +18, Exham -6, ElementalMan +6, and 22 more...
Base +16, Cederic +6, Partsin -6, MehMeher -5, zetcross -6, kingwolf +18, Croabadrake +6, Captian Katsura -7, RandomAn0n +9, archmancer8 -6, Coledas Ukgent +12
Base +35, baguete +6, 3Eggnogfatality -4, Cederic +6, MehMeher +5, albertzeb +6, Exham +6, Croabadrake +6, RandomAn0n +9, somerandomdude33 +22, SilverSound -6, Chainjailhunter +6, Zoinks +6, and 3 more...
Base +6, baguete +6, 3Eggnogfatality -4, Meadaga -7, Cederic +6, kire5613 -7, Clownie +6, MehMeher +5, zetcross +6, *Happy Camper* -6, NeitherMyName -7, dehog +6, albertzeb +6, and 20 more...
Base +8, hellocakeguy +6, kire5613 +7, Kiranta +6, MehMeher -5, ilovealltypes +7, zetcross +6, sirmarius +15, dehog +6, 3Eggnogfatality +4, kingwolf +18, GigantRegis +7, unnoticed demon +19, and 15 more...
Base +26, kire5613 -7, MehMeher +5, zetcross +6, NeitherMyName -7, dehog -6, thequack1212 +6, albertzeb +6, AGMlolz +20, Exham +6, Azura Meta +6, Croabadrake +6, Captian Katsura +7, and 8 more...
Posted on 05 April 2023, 04:36 by:
quinn48 Score
Base +6, lolteambleach1 +6, Lolkid654 +6, SUPEROMEGA +6, Partsin -6, Kiranta +6, MehMeher -5, ilovealltypes +7, zetcross -6, beefjerker +6, positiveguy +8, kire5613 +7, *Happy Camper* +6, and 43 more...
Base +5, delta470 -6, Partsin -6, beefjerker +6, *Happy Camper* +6, NeitherMyName +7, F-O-X -12, urcorpsehere -6, thequack1212 -6, albertzeb -6, kire5613 +7, kingwolf +18, Exham -6, and 16 more...
Base +6, Partsin -6, *Happy Camper* +6, F-O-X +12, dehog +6, 3Eggnogfatality +4, thequack1212 -6, albertzeb -6, kingwolf +18, NeitherMyName +7, Exham +6, Azura Meta -6, Klehindo +6, and 20 more...
Base +6, dehog +6, 3Eggnogfatality +4, albertzeb -6, kire5613 +7, kingwolf +18, Croabadrake +6, KyubiiMeos +6, Golo13 +6, Zoinks +6, Coledas Ukgent +12, JunkAlot +9
Posted on 07 April 2023, 18:07 by:
pakito Score
Base +6, Partsin -6, dehog +6, 3Eggnogfatality +4, urcorpsehere -6, thequack1212 -6, albertzeb -6, kire5613 +7, Henrey +6, kingwolf +18, NeitherMyName +7, Azura Meta -6, Croabadrake +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 08 April 2023, 03:17 by:
Mandrake Score
Base +7, urcorpsehere -6, albertzeb -6, kire5613 +7, kingwolf +18, Croabadrake +6, KyubiiMeos +6, Captian Katsura -7, archmancer8 -6, Coledas Ukgent +12
Base +6, NeitherMyName +7, Exham +6, 丨Ventus丨 +6, Azura Meta +6, Croabadrake +6, KyubiiMeos +6, ch3rry -6, Done25 +7, DarksoulVan +7, sleegleheeble21 +6, SilverSound +6, archmancer8 -6, and 9 more...
Posted on 11 April 2023, 16:07 by:
lok-e Score
Base +6, NeitherMyName +7, Exham -6, Croabadrake +6, KyubiiMeos +6, Done25 +7, Captian Katsura -7, SenchoMaiku -7, C4th0de +9, archmancer8 -6, cowman13 -6, marcopolo622 -6, Coledas Ukgent +12, and 3 more...
Posted on 11 April 2023, 18:19 by:
rivvit Score
Base +6, Exham -6, 丨Ventus丨 +6, Croabadrake +6, KyubiiMeos +6, Captian Katsura -7, archmancer8 -6, NeitherMyName +7, Coledas Ukgent +12
Posted on 12 April 2023, 22:19 by:
exofang Score
Base +7, Exham -6, Zorlond +6, KyubiiMeos +6, Done25 +7, Captian Katsura -7, Golo13 +6, enoko55 +6, Nont S Savior -6, RandomAn0n +9, hentaifag4 +6, archmancer8 -6, cerozero +6, and 16 more...
Base +6, fletchlives +9, RandomAn0n +9, somerandomdude33 +22, SilverSound -6, hentaifag4 -6, archmancer8 +6, Luigibotnik +6, cerozero -6, king91 +10, Yaotl -6, Zorlond -6, NeitherMyName -7, and 19 more...
Base +6, NeitherMyName +7, GrigoriSeven +6, samyam33 +12, lonewanderer101 +7, XEman +7, Engildarkpod -6, Zorlond +6, Coledas Ukgent +12, Golo13 +6, icontributenothing -13, archmancer8 -6, jorge tavani -6, and 5 more...
Posted on 17 May 2023, 22:57 by:
exofang Score
Base +7, Coledas Ukgent +12, icontributenothing +13, AZM009 +8
Base +7, Coledas Ukgent +12, icontributenothing +13, archmancer8 +6, FataMorganaPseudonym +10, Testtype2501 -3, AZM009 -8, rowaasr13 +7, Mason2 +7
Base +6, Zorlond -6, Coledas Ukgent +12, lostlegoman +9, icontributenothing +13, archmancer8 +6, lonewanderer101 -7, jorge tavani -6, FataMorganaPseudonym +10, Blacky11004757 -7, Testtype2501 -3, AZM009 -8, rowaasr13 +7, and 1 more...
Posted on 19 June 2023, 22:17 by:
errata Score
Base +14, kire5613 +7, icontributenothing +13, archmancer8 +6, AZM009 -8, rowaasr13 +7
Posted on 14 July 2023, 11:18 by:
majmage Score
Base +6, Engildarkpod -6, Zorlond +6, archmancer8 -6, lonewanderer101 +7, Testtype2501 +3, AZM009 +8, Golo13 +6
Posted on 03 July 2024, 17:55 by:
Fal12 Score
Base +7, Zorlond +6
Posted on 03 November 2024, 10:49 by:
shutaro Score
Base +11