Base +6, HabaneroJim -9, HXW -5, semtex +6, TlchildSinX +5, The Noodles +4, Videl Guru Buu33 +7, sentrin +9, dimanganime -11, Zakuzelo -7, ScarredBushido -6, Buraku-chan +12, ss567 +5, and 1 more...
Posted on 20 January 2011, 23:46 by:
D u b b y Score
Base +7, The Noodles -5, Palaxius +5, Andate +6, fierylava12 +6, kobatochandaisuki +3, Azura Meta +6, telfer21 -1, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Posted on 21 March 2012, 06:41 by:
Mr. Y Score
Base +10, KunKid +5, Myzer +5
Base +4, front row -5, ScarredBushido -6, popioo1234 -6, sagato00 +7, andre7 +9, Myzer +7, Ooe Kintarou +3, kondoriyano -6, akunoko -28, MelmothTheWanderer +33, Orion9137 +11
Base +1, RaizelX -5, BlueSmoke -5