These are the pieces that are part of the silver+gold tiers of Kambo's patreon (Silver tier is just one or two images from a series, gold tier has the rest of the variations) tier that were published from 2022 to October of 2024 (not including the images that were published in November 2024 that are still organized under the september+october folder in the artist's patron reward dropbox). This is not intended to be a complete collection of Kambo's works, just mostly of what I grabbed before the artist's patron dropbox link updated in mid-October. They are mostly organized by release date. Note, some of these images may be similar to the ones posted in the Basic/bronze tier gallery, they might be finished versions of the various WIPS of a lower tier.
Note: The image series from 474-488 (last of september 2022) is supposed to have transparent versions of the images 459-473, however the folder the transparent versions came from lacked a transparent variant for the third image(461), which is why the file name appears to skip a number, though I since made an attempt at an edit recreating it(image 476).
At the end of the gallery are images that were originally patreon-exclusives, but were never put into the dropbox archive. Some of these were eventually released to the public, albeit on twitter, so hopefully these are full res. I don't know for certain if there are any other pics that were/are exclusives, but never put into the dropbox archive that also aren't already uploaded by someone else.
Pg. 1-1074: images from the Silver/Gold tier Regular arts rewards Pg. 1075-1083: images that were originally patron-only rewards, but were never put in Kambo's dropbox archive. (the Lucario, Loona(wip and finished), and text version of the Ragna pic were all released publicly at some point)
Artist's links if you are inclined to support them: (NSFW) (SFW)
Posted on 09 November 2024, 13:49 by: THE DeadKing