Base +6, vonbarber +7, phantasys +6, luckyluckypenny -6, icontributenothing -19, SkullDraecos +6, Exule +6, hecate13 +3, Kobalt +14, kain11 -7, reversibel -6, wasdera -6, lafn -6, and 11 more...
Posted on 19 September 2024, 00:55 by:
Lexander Score
Base +11, SkullDraecos +6, phantasys +6, luckyluckypenny -6, Annalesa +2, Braggy +6, Kobalt +14, reversibel -6, wasdera -6, lafn -6, muityek +5, DarthSion98 +5, kereil +7, and 7 more...
Base +6, luckyluckypenny +6, SkullDraecos +6, Braggy -6, Kobalt -14, phantasys -6, reversibel +6, wasdera +6, lafn +6, AAA25 -1, archammer +6, MedNed +6, W1slicer -6, and 5 more...
Posted on 07 October 2024, 00:02 by:
JBlack001 Score
Base +6, phantasys +6, wasdera -6, IngenuousDaemon +19, kereil +7, Dontner -6, SkullDraecos +6, Braggy +6, markiño +7
Base +2, kereil +7, Braggy +6, markiño +7