The ghost is a hypocrite and either doesn't understand the world. Or if she does, she's out there to better herself, not Vincent.
Those women she's showing do not fall out of the sky. They don't appear or disappear, when Vincent 'cleans up'.
If he gets a future where he 'cleans up'.... which means he'll just become a corporate slave, where overwork is normal, or has gigachad physique achieved by using steroids and/or mindnumbingly dumb and boring hamsterwheeling fitness routines, unless you're Arnold Schwarzenegger, who genetically posseses the trait to get a kick out of pumping himself up, which this person clearly doesn't have.
If he gets a future where "he cleans up", he'll be considered just-good-enough while his whole life consists of jumping through hoops for them.
And what would have happened to these women if he didn't do this is that some other pussy-whipped-chump who did a little less hoop jumping for these women would have been in a relationship with them.
This isn't a 'lust ghost' for him and he didn't choose love.
This is a 'pussy whip ghost' to a man and he chose to be whipped She's at most a 'lust ghost' for one of these women as she ups the competition for all men.
One of these women is getting a great deal out of this, and she didn't even make a wish.
If I were him, I would have argued with the lust god to get a woman of around my age in my neighborhood who has the same wish as I do to be 'good enough for her Chad' instead. It'll eliminate some competition for me. And if she can do that, maybe she can do that to the entire world of women and also add more women of Vincent's age, until there's 2 women for 1 man of his age.
And then let's see if he still needs to 'clean up' after that.