Posted on 05 September 2023, 22:04 by:
Maryu Score
Base +6, Shallowhite +6, akoldon +6, ju87g12 +6, Zhs52039 +1, Talaj +6, hakuryu2250 +22, adrewtc +7, brendonhk7 +8, omgpirate +9, aoiiie -3, Phj080906 +2
Posted on 05 September 2023, 22:56 by:
nigger0 Score
Base +6, Shallowhite +6, Domanxyz1992 +6, CutieAnna96 +6, TheSPNCupcake -7, aoiiie -3, the_hellion -7, Qwertius +21
Posted on 15 September 2023, 21:36 by:
Mochita Score
Base +6, omgpirate +9, aoiiie -3
Base +9, catfish67 +6, mormorz +6, aoiiie -3
Base +6, polandball +9, 306alex306 +6, Security Guard +6, abcbcacba +5, OccasionalGoldfish +6, hadbla71830 +5, MagicalJuko +6, tttttancy +4, PinkMask +9, LOLLING IN THE DEEP +6, nargalion +11, The_Pastmaster +7, and 10 more...
Base +7, hasdu35 +6, hakuryu2250 +22, snakutarus +7, RavenOfTheDarkAbyss +14, nasilacus +6, aoiiie -3, Eon87 +6
Base +6, hakuryu2250 +22, 6996man +6, omgpirate +9, cathicklesquall +15, PinkMask +10, aoiiie -3, theUserNam3 +6, hasdu35 +6
Posted on 21 November 2023, 03:12 by:
Karkhouv Score
Base +6, hakuryu2250 +22, kikimaru024 +29, omgpirate +9, Fabs +7, Eon87 +6, Rygard +3, aoiiie -3, Higers +7
Base +4, eleeinos +39, Autonymoose +6, LKsud +6, omgpirate +9, GeneralSky +6, hadbla71830 +6, Fabs +7, AmITooLate +6, Eon87 +6, aoiiie -3, Revolvus +6, PinkMask +10, and 1 more...
Base +6, LOLLING IN THE DEEP +6, MSTGMA +7, kitkaty01 +6, Hezelaflare +6, kikimaru024 +29, GeneralSky +6, hadbla71830 +6, Fabs +7, s8018572 +6, cathicklesquall +15, Vass +6, Eon87 +6, and 9 more...
Posted on 06 March 2024, 22:01 by:
Ocelloid Score
Base +6, kosume -6, themandude133 -6, CynicalPlatapus -6, gogoman124 -6, omgpirate -9, Fabs -7, MSTGMA -7, cathicklesquall -15, avon -7, 6996man +6, PinkMask -10, shadowwall456 -7, and 9 more...
Base +6, laskiS +6, shrö +6, thedude2234 +6, Kakumeiteki +6, GenerationRed +6, aoiiie -3, KLKR69 +6, tttttancy +5, hasdu35 +6
Base +6, GenerationRed +6, kikimaru024 +30, shrö +6, KLKR69 +6, tttttancy +5, LibraryLass +6, Sugoi Kukodesai +12, hasdu35 +6