Posted on 13 October 2024, 17:00 by:
Hexxuus Score
Base +17, peligromayor +1, Gghhal12u -7
Base +6, IngenuousDaemon +19, claralover +6, peligromayor +1, xw1as +9, Gghhal12u -7
Posted on 14 October 2024, 22:04 by:
stop50 Score
Base +3, the_king901 +7, peligromayor +1, Gghhal12u -7
Base +6, Loved45 -1, drakepulsar -6, SandoFuta -13, Kael Hyun -10, Acasualobserver -7, the_king901 -7, SexualStalin +6, darkmoon1234 -7, Dino420 -4, vengefulwill -6, Good Sense -6, Jeffandjeff +9, and 59 more...
Posted on 15 October 2024, 03:27 by:
Gman921 Score
Base +6, Kael Hyun +10, the_king901 +7, SexualStalin -6, vengefulwill +6, Good Sense +6, miminoudelenfer +6, Fenl1 -6, Illuminati81 +6, SandoFuta +13, eniku +5, SkeletonSpookies +6, peligromayor +1, and 5 more...
Base +6, Dino420 -4, vengefulwill -6, Knipol -6, Good Sense -6, darkmoon1234 -7, miminoudelenfer -6, IngenuousDaemon -19, Dark Luster -8, Mallorea541 -6, realwsc -3, ErikaWC -6, thatguy26 -6, and 41 more...
Posted on 15 October 2024, 15:07 by:
Base +6, vengefulwill +6, Good Sense +6, miminoudelenfer +6, IngenuousDaemon +19, realwsc +3, monkehmeh +6, Illuminati81 +6, SandoFuta +13, eniku +5, peligromayor +1, BlackZaku +7, Freelander26 +13, and 4 more...
Base +6, Good Sense -6, Dino420 -4, IngenuousDaemon -19, Dark Luster -8, realwsc -3, ErikaWC -6, thatguy26 -6, operation9 -7, Magatsuko -6, Pyoncake -6, Just Some Guy -6, Nerissa -6, and 34 more...
Posted on 16 October 2024, 17:05 by:
subbypup Score
Base +4, realwsc +3, vengefulwill +6, monkehmeh +6, Illuminati81 +6, SandoFuta +13, eniku +5, peligromayor +1, 6n33km4n +6, Burner405 -6, RagRappy99 +6
Base +4, IngenuousDaemon +19, peligromayor +1, RagRappy99 +6
Posted on 17 October 2024, 00:18 by:
Gman921 Score
Base +6, vengefulwill +6, Knipol +6, monkehmeh +6, medicake +6, SandoFuta +13, eniku +5, peligromayor +1, Luigibotnik +6, 6n33km4n +6, Burner405 -6, RagRappy99 +6
Posted on 17 October 2024, 14:04 by:
Oppai 776 Score
Base +4, leoloe2905 +4, peligromayor +1
Base +6, CausticLion +8, SandoFuta +13, TMN +6, ErikaWC +6, Light_Dragon +7, MetaBlade +6, androyd09 +7, discostu22 -6, eniku +5, Miko Neko +7, masterzelda123 -7, Chimpany +6, and 9 more...
Base +6, peligromayor +1, Burner405 -6
Base +6, peligromayor +1, IChooseLitten +7, Burner405 -6
Base +6, ErikaWC +6, discostu22 -6, Knipol +6, SkeletonSpookies +6, peligromayor +1, Tovler +8, Burner405 -6, RagRappy99 +6
Base +6, Burner405 -6, theonium joe +6
Base +6, ErikaWC +6, BobPrev +6, Burner405 -6, theonium joe +6
Base +27, ghostvortex100 +6, ErikaWC +6, BobPrev +6, danget +6, redspher +6, Burner405 -6
Base +4, ErikaWC +6, redspher +6, Burner405 -6, TMN +6
Base +27, ErikaWC +6, realwsc +3, redspher +6, Burner405 -6, Gghhal12u +7
Base +6, TM Youkai -7, redspher -6, KirbZero +6, SandoFuta -13, theonium joe -6, Tovler -8, RagRappy99 -6, Nessielle -6, Unkone -8
Posted on 16 December 2024, 03:54 by:
Mr. Buddy Score
Base +6