Base +18, ghostvortex100 -6, Blue_Shift2000 +7, Killer542 -6, dekamaster2 -7, firedragon89 +14, shrinkos +7, Menasws -5, albertzeb +6, MehMeher -9, taretare -6, ixKoRa -10, harambe.exe +6, and 44 more...
Base +12, kikimaru024 +30, Zaiup +6, ghostvortex100 +6, Blue_Shift2000 +7, BigCh33sy +6, memyselfandI +6, Killer542 +6, dekamaster2 +7, firedragon89 +14, Vinatea +18, Gentleman Chimera +8, sexyhotasian +10, and 48 more...
Base +6, firedragon89 +14, Gentleman Chimera +8, Soldier A +6, RandomDudeH +6, breanyman +6, Akdav +8, fflit +7, something-creative +6, icesonic +8, AhKai +6, Romi the Byzantine +8, harambe.exe +6, and 9 more...
Posted on 22 June 2024, 11:32 by:
lucyhihi Score
Base +8, kikimaru024 +30, firedragon89 +14, Gentleman Chimera +8, MehMeher +9, ale2k1 +6, breanyman +6, Native Synth +12, Nakama_P +6, Alonevpk +6, something-creative +6, as102 +13, Romi the Byzantine +8, and 8 more...
Posted on 03 July 2024, 21:40 by:
TFCaliel Score
Base +6, kikimaru024 +30, Killer542 +6, MehMeher +9, taretare +6, harambe.exe +6, Shinji117 +7, Imsolo +6, csavarhuzo +6
Base +6, kikimaru024 +30, somerandomdude33 +28, breanyman +6, firedragon89 +14, MehMeher +9, taretare +6, Romi the Byzantine +8, harambe.exe +6, Darknessend +7, NKVDopenthedoor +11, martiniv +7, m3taLEWD +6, and 7 more...
Base +6, kikimaru024 +30, breanyman +6, firedragon89 +14, harambe.exe +6, Darknessend +7
Posted on 11 July 2024, 13:20 by:
aries555 Score
Base +7, firedragon89 +14, MehMeher +9, icesonic +8, something-creative +6, harambe.exe +6, Darknessend +7
Base +6, kikimaru024 +30, firedragon89 +14, ElPrez -6, MehMeher -9
Base +6, kikimaru024 +30, firedragon89 +14, MehMeher +9, Killer542 +6, Azura Meta +6, sgc_geh +12, Darknessend +7, _Zap_ +12, juanfra +6, firestorm252 +6, Imsolo +6
Base +5, firedragon89 +14, MehMeher +9, Zaiup +6, Grumpy Stump +12, fflit +7, drwav +6, holybibble +1, MetalGarv +14, ElPrez +6, Mserter +6, PhantomRenegade +20, Georgy8817 +11, and 15 more...
Base +6, ElPrez -6, alex222333 +6, MehMeher -9, Poe mk.II +6, West Bird -6
Base +27, Killer542 +6, MagicalJuko +6, kikimaru024 +30, FlandreAkabane +6, hoigoigoi +32, MehMeher +9, veliveli +11, ToriNikuKame +6, Alonevpk +6, ZeroRazor +6, FrostyOwl +6, Gh1 +7, and 14 more...
Posted on 15 August 2024, 20:32 by:
gguy123 Score
Base +10, Acolytus +6, kikimaru024 +30, MehMeher +9, vilgellm +6, Alonevpk +6, Shinryu-Rex +11, Ork McShit +7, forgetful_coder +6, shuntensatsu +16, Greykar +9, Person8 +7, KuroToast +6, and 20 more...
Base +12, MehMeher +9, Darknessend +7, KaineX +7
Posted on 16 August 2024, 14:51 by:
cultt Score
Base +6, MehMeher +9, Havenstorm +6, Darknessend +7, Sweet Breaker +15, Darksword696 +21, Imsolo +6
Posted on 16 August 2024, 17:39 by:
datsylel Score
Base +6, MehMeher +9, kikimaru024 +30, SeptimustheSeventh +3, Darknessend +7, comradierie +8, TCJJ +9, Imsolo +6, Ferotest +6
Posted on 16 August 2024, 21:04 by:
Quarion Score
Base +6, MehMeher -9, ukDimm -6, Balalaechnick -6, necrotundjere -6, Al@stor -6, FurrFruitBat -6, Poe mk.II +6, Dark Mac -12, ZeroRazor +6, FrostyOwl +6, CesaroiLol +7, taretare -6, and 13 more...
Posted on 27 August 2024, 01:01 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +7, ZeroRazor +6, FrostyOwl +6, MehMeher -9, Yukie666 -6, Darknessend +7, KoroshiyaMHX +6, Paradoxicon167 -4, Shinji117 -7, NKVDopenthedoor -11, ehcks +7, TCJJ +9, smartmeister +18, and 2 more...
Base +27, MehMeher +9, kikimaru024 +30, Person8 +7, Darknessend +7, Sweet Breaker +15, Imsolo +6
Base +7, Darknessend +7, icesonic +8, MehMeher +9, Shinji117 +7, snou +2, Imsolo +6
Posted on 13 September 2024, 11:15 by:
Sovann Score
Base +10, Martacusso -7, Darknessend +7, MehMeher -9, Paradoxicon167 -4, NKVDopenthedoor -11, Shinji117 -7, Jesus_2020774 -6, martiniv -7, NB-HS -6, ehcks +7, PrettyboyAloe -6, kingofboletaria -4, and 7 more...
Posted on 13 September 2024, 12:14 by:
avrelivs Score
Base +6, Romi the Byzantine +8, SeptimustheSeventh +3, harambe.exe +6, Darknessend +7, icesonic +8, kiritogamer24 +6, MehMeher +9, Shinji117 +7, Imsolo +6
Base +27, SeptimustheSeventh +3, zodaloo +6, Darknessend +7, icesonic +8, Romi the Byzantine +8, MehMeher +9, nocaneb646 +5, OtleChip +9, Imsolo +6, Ferotest +6
Posted on 16 September 2024, 13:21 by:
avrelivs Score
Base +6, zodaloo +6, SeptimustheSeventh +3, Darknessend +7, MehMeher +9, Vinatea +18, Romi the Byzantine +8, OtleChip +9
Posted on 16 September 2024, 15:28 by:
emperor20 Score
Base +8, Darknessend +7, MehMeher +9, Romi the Byzantine +8, TCJJ -9
Base +2, Romi the Byzantine +8, OtleChip +9
Base +6, Person8 +7, kikimaru024 +30, MehMeher -10, xLucia~ +7, Darknessend +7, Eyriol +7, Imsolo +6
Base +7, kikimaru024 +30, Sweet Breaker +15, MehMeher +10, xLucia~ +7, Darknessend +7, Darksword696 +21, DragonicPunk +6, Imsolo +6, Ferotest +6
Base +9, Sweet Breaker -15, ehcks -7, MehMeher -10, PrettyboyAloe -6, xLucia~ -7, 霊烏路 空 -6, OtleChip -9, grack +6, Darknessend -7, Jermatoo -6, TCJJ -9, snou -2, and 2 more...
Posted on 24 September 2024, 02:22 by:
jimmy118 Score
Base +17, MehMeher +10, xLucia~ +7
Posted on 24 September 2024, 04:04 by:
terumokou Score
Base +7, ehcks -7, kiritogamer24 +6, Darknessend +7
Posted on 24 September 2024, 06:54 by:
mimicu Score
Base +6, Darknessend +7, gtmtsya +3, Imsolo +6
Posted on 05 October 2024, 18:31 by:
Draupnir7 Score
Base +8, NB-HS +6, Romi the Byzantine +8, MehMeher +10, SeptimustheSeventh +3, EHCASUAL +6, icesonic +8, Darknessend +7, Imsolo +6
Base +6, MehMeher +10, SeptimustheSeventh +3, EHCASUAL +6, icesonic +8, Romi the Byzantine +8, xLucia~ +7, Imsolo +6
Posted on 05 October 2024, 21:49 by:
avrelivs Score
Base +6, SeptimustheSeventh +3, zodaloo +6, EHCASUAL +6, icesonic +8, Romi the Byzantine +8, nocaneb646 +5, Imsolo +6
Base +27, Romi the Byzantine +8, EHCASUAL +6, nocaneb646 +5, kikimaru024 +30, supergovs +6, SeptimustheSeventh +3, darkwing42 +53, Simon9000 +6, DragonicPunk +6
Posted on 12 October 2024, 16:47 by:
Snittzi Score
Base +8, Romi the Byzantine +8, supergovs +6, TCJJ +9, sagradacorrupcion1 +6, DragonicPunk +6, Imsolo -6, Murderbot +10
Base +5, Romi the Byzantine +8, nocaneb646 +5, supergovs +6, TCJJ +9, SeptimustheSeventh +3
Posted on 20 December 2024, 00:55 by:
avrelivs Score
Base +6, kikimaru024 +30, sgc_geh +12