What is it with ai supporters and not getting the base rules of this site in their brains? AI garbage goes in MISC, and HAS to be tagged as AI. This way normal people atleast dont have to look at this trash. lol you calling them all "ARTIST ___" ... bro this garbage hasnt seen an artist ever...
If you absolutely HAVE to water down the sites quality with a ton of ai dumps, atleast do the minimum and fucking do it right. but i guess appealing to someone who likes this absolute trash is probably as good as saying all this to a literal rock.
Just leave this garbage on your own pc. no need to clog up the server and frontpage with this. nobody appreciates this except the same 10 ppl who like every ai gallery. Or better. just... idk. do us all a favor, and go somewhere else. This is really not the place to use as your personal storage for a bunch of low effort and low quality galleries that will never be looked at again.