Base +6, getpr0n +6, dewip +6, Kuro-tan +9, beenjamin123 +17, discojoe3 -8, Quantequila +6, cenro +7, Aaezahl +14, AlaRm22 +6, strudol +6, Daanu2 +5, DragonToot +6, and 93 more...
Base +12, Jago Smith +7, discojoe3 -8, 770megamam +5, plaquebringer -6, 水服古 +1, Aadiir +8, Kevin H. Yang +6, ParanoiaD +6, KazeZeroL -6, lloouui +3, Fruitmeister +5, Solipsik +6, and 22 more...
Posted on 16 September 2017, 17:18 by:
Solipsist Score
Base +6, Morehead +6, spazman56789 +8, plaquebringer -6, Inigo Montoya +6, Trafalgar7343 +5, Nack +7, Delendor +9, KazeZeroL -6, Toz34 +4, gloriousstalin +6, Solipsik +6, cochrane +23, and 18 more...
Base +6, Daanu2 +5, Dustubuni +6, ExecutorBill +9, 1986Nintendo +3, Lucius617 +1, s8018572 +6, TimothyDG +8, plaquebringer -6, Inigo Montoya +6, That One Other Guy +1, Quantequila +7, Dr. Ball +8, and 30 more...
Posted on 05 October 2017, 17:42 by:
Solipsist Score
Base +6, Dustubuni +6, s8018572 +6, plaquebringer -6, Inigo Montoya +6, flash73 +8, Trafalgar7343 +5, Nack +7, hellspenguin +7, deth212 +6, gloriousstalin +6, Solipsik +6, selfiren +5, and 13 more...
Posted on 05 December 2017, 10:00 by:
kain11 Score
Base +7, Dustubuni +6, Daanu2 +5, gaibon88 +5, stabbybelkar +7, gloriousstalin +6, animanera89 -7, Quantequila +7, Renegadeaw -6, 770megamam +6, Plastic Lover +1, gurpy +6, Trafalgar7343 -5, and 17 more...
Posted on 26 February 2018, 01:28 by:
hatepie Score
Base +6, Dustubuni +6, Xymena +6, KalaStorm +9, Morehead +6, Valinman +5, 770megamam +5, gloriousstalin +6, Punisher_Born +6, Trafalgar7343 +5, Nack +7, That One Other Guy +4, kerokami +8, and 18 more...
Posted on 17 March 2018, 18:43 by:
Da Bomb Score
Base +6, Xymena +6, Quantequila +7, Dustubuni +6, Critic +6, 770megamam +6, Punisher_Born +6, selfiren +3, Reinbach81 +6, Nack +7, PrivateSkittles +7, That One Other Guy +4, Shupuu +6, and 14 more...
Last edited on 04 December 2019, 16:18.
Base +4, Borr +4, go58mets +6, ExecutorBill +9, Cyberrazer +6, Critic +6, ElisaG +11, anohitonyo +3, shad0w0faheart +6, mixttime +6, Plastic Lover +1, Punisher_Born +6, That One Other Guy +4, and 16 more...
Base +9, DolphinFrall +4, ExecutorBill +9, Cyberrazer +6, Critic +6, ElisaG +11, anohitonyo +3, shad0w0faheart +6, Punisher_Born +6, Trafalgar7343 +5, That One Other Guy +4, Solipsik +6, 770megamam +6, and 5 more...
Base +6, Borr +4, 1986Nintendo +4, Critic +6, ExecutorBill +9, sparrowjuice -6, ElisaG +11, risiaprofit +7, shad0w0faheart -6, Plastic Lover +1, Punisher_Born +6, Frankash95 -3, Imrahil97 +5, and 24 more...
Posted on 25 August 2018, 11:48 by:
BrainPain Score
Base +6, Cyberrazer +6, Punisher_Born +6, luci6191 +5, ElisaG +11, Nack +7, That One Other Guy +4, kenabrxg +17, cukrownik +8, Kael Hyun +9, old_shiper +4, 雨夜袭 +3, MrSticksandStones +2, and 1 more...
Base +6, Punisher_Born +6, fapsatlightspeed +6, Critic +6, 1986Nintendo +5, ElisaG +11, deadarm +6, Nack +7, ssj4jw +7, PrivateSkittles +7, That One Other Guy +4, kenabrxg +17, Quantequila +8, and 9 more...
Base +6, Karat +6, zipfizz1 +5, 1986Nintendo +5, SeirathDein +6, Punisher_Born +6, Dr. Ball +8, fapsatlightspeed +6, ExecutorBill +9, Vesperia3 +5, Laurimoz +7, Nack +7, mylesscp +6, and 45 more...
Last edited on 10 October 2018, 03:02.
Base +6, Frankash95 +3, Kevin H. Yang +6, Phantombet3 +6, Borr -5, Punisher_Born -6, ElisaG +12, onyxdel +6, MD98 +7, Freedom III +7, Nack +7, Savvic +7, That One Other Guy +4, and 43 more...
Posted on 01 December 2018, 06:32 by:
Mekoruu Score
Base +11, ExecutorBill +9, Punisher_Born +6, Nack +7, fapsatlightspeed +6, Dr. Ball +8, PrivateSkittles +7, Plastic Lover +3, Overlord_Momo +6, isno +6, Dustubuni +6, Dark_Helmet +11, DankMemeren +8, and 10 more...
Posted on 05 January 2019, 15:59 by:
Neeckin Score
Base +7, Giangiotto +7, ExecutorBill +9, Borr +5, Dr. Ball +8, mylesscp +6, Punisher_Born +6, PrivateSkittles +7, That One Other Guy +4, Unst99 +8, Plastic Lover +3, isno +6, Gitarooman +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 10 January 2019, 17:18 by:
sionnix_ Score
Base +1, Dr. Ball +8, lorgaroth +6, TimothyDG +8, Nack +7, Borr +5, Punisher_Born +6, spazman56789 +8, PrivateSkittles +7, shadowwall456 -6, That One Other Guy +4, RetroWarp +1, Unst99 +9, and 13 more...
Posted on 23 June 2019, 17:23 by:
cozzy121 Score
Last edited on 24 June 2019, 19:59.
Base +6, amcies -6, CornishGH +6, repeatedmeme +9, Morehead +6, Tru_Zen123 +7, Daedal +6, ElisaG +13, Punisher_Born +6, ExecutorBill +9, Borr +5, Gitarooman +6, Dr. Ball +8, and 5 more...
Base +6, Daedal +6, ElisaG +13, Punisher_Born +6, ExecutorBill +9, Borr +5, Gitarooman +6, Tru_Zen123 +7, Dr. Ball +8, Quantequila +8, Justray +7, Brian.Vini +7, 770megamam +6, and 7 more...
Posted on 02 September 2019, 20:09 by:
cozzy121 Score
Base +6, Dr. Ball +8, Shekkey +6, Nack +7, Otto Pilot +6, hillumyninja +6, ASD85 +6, Borr +6, Morehead +6, ElisaG +15, Scarlet99 +6, internetstranger +4, Ravalis -7, and 14 more...
Posted on 03 October 2019, 23:26 by:
leddis4 Score
Base +6, Tru_Zen123 +7, internetstranger +4, JohnUltimate23 +6, Scarlet99 +6, Morehead +6, Solipsik +6, ElisaG +15, Brian.Vini +7, Dr. Ball +8, Miss-Mittens +4, random2003 +6, Dreadtron +8, and 20 more...
Posted on 04 January 2020, 04:40 by:
DJjames Score
Base +7, Forget4me +6, fapsatlightspeed +6, Dreadtron +8, Tru_Zen123 +7, KalaStorm +11, Borr +6, eieikiki +6, Frankash95 -5, deadarm +6, internetstranger +4, PunkNS -6, Dr. Ball +8, and 15 more...
Posted on 04 January 2020, 05:01 by:
Neeckin Score
Base +7, Daedal +6, Dreadtron +8, Tru_Zen123 +7, eieikiki +6, Borr +6, fapsatlightspeed +6, KrystalKross23 +6, internetstranger +4, Thebloodredmoonman +6, ExecutorBill +9, Dr. Ball +8, Plastic Lover +12, and 5 more...
Base +6, TrinTong +6, Tru_Zen123 +7, Dr. Ball +8, Borr +6, TimothyDG +8, TK-4117 +7, predator1337 +7, denfriefugl +6, fapsatlightspeed +6, Dreadtron +8, repeatedmeme +9, Dark_Helmet +11, and 24 more...
Base +6, internetstranger +5, Tru_Zen123 +7, Frankash95 +5, Thebloodredmoonman +6, Dr. Ball +8, repeatedmeme +9, Dark_Helmet +11, ExecutorBill +9, wagic +12, Qwerty2 +8, mylesscp +6, deadarm +6, and 13 more...
Posted on 20 February 2020, 19:51 by:
cozzy121 Score
Base +6, Dr. Ball +8, predator1337 +7, Scarlet99 +6, Thebloodredmoonman +6, wagic +12, Dark_Helmet +11, nemesis2k7 +7, Qwerty2 +8, mylesscp +6, ExecutorBill +9, 60sunsets +4, TsunMaki +6, and 13 more...
Posted on 22 March 2020, 15:31 by:
fightbos Score
Base +6, Dark_Helmet +11, ElisaG +17, Dr. Ball +8, fapsatlightspeed +6, Thebloodredmoonman +6, TimelessArtist +5, wagic +12, nemesis2k7 +7, Qwerty2 +8, TsunMaki +6, Plastic Lover +12, Punisher_Born +6, and 6 more...
Base +6, Slothy +6, Manboat +3, Daedal +6, Lolzu +6, atasitian +26, Juggernaut Santa +32, Kate Barbie +6, Punisher_Born -6, SpiralCharmer +6, Revan058 -6, MrSticksandStones +2, peligromayor +1, and 1 more...
Base +6, predator1337 +8, throwawayane +6, Overlord_Momo +6, Dark_Helmet +11, KrystalKross23 +6, Lolzu +6, Mrsuperhappy +53, Punisher_Born +6, KinkRabbit +6, MrSticksandStones +2, peligromayor +1
Posted on 08 June 2020, 05:03 by:
hermit20 Score
Base +6, Morehead +6, Dreadtron +8, Qwerty2 +8, Overlord_Momo +6, AshRidden +9, Kevin H. Yang +6, wagic +12, BigOOFF +4, ElisaG +17, Punisher_Born +6, OriginalCube +5, DevilXZerofansubs +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 08 June 2020, 16:10 by:
hatepie Score
Base +6, Dark_Helmet +11, Qwerty2 +8, Overlord_Momo +6, zoid12 +6, Thebloodredmoonman +6, gurpy +6, predator1337 +9, Itzan +6, apa2150 +6, fapsatlightspeed +6, ExecutorBill +9, Dr. Ball +8, and 16 more...
Posted on 12 June 2020, 07:24 by:
james088 Score
Base +6, gurpy +6, zoid12 +6, Vesperia3 +6, Dark_Helmet +11, yurtsifu +6, apa2150 +6, Kevin H. Yang +6, Qwerty2 +8, 60sunsets +4, Majorchill666 +5, Dr. Ball +8, TsunMaki +6, and 15 more...
Base +6, Itzan +6, fapsatlightspeed +6, Suzusaki +6, Kevin H. Yang +6, Qwerty2 +8, Daedal +6, wagic +12, kafka75 +6, Punisher_Born +6, BigOOFF +4, ElisaG +17, snicaa +6, and 6 more...
Base +6, Itzan +6, fapsatlightspeed +6, Suzusaki +6, Overlord_Momo +6, Dr. Ball +8, Kevin H. Yang +6, deadarm +6, Qwerty2 +8, Dark_Helmet +11, Daedal +6, 60sunsets +4, TsunMaki +6, and 12 more...
Base +8, ExecutorBill +9, Kevin H. Yang +6, Qwerty2 +8, Overlord_Momo +6, Thebloodredmoonman +6, wagic +12, Punisher_Born +6, BigOOFF +4, Nyx8t +3, crazyfrogdom +6, rising11 +9, MrSticksandStones +2, and 2 more...
Posted on 15 June 2020, 17:35 by:
poz Score
Base +6, Kevin H. Yang +6, Redwolf25 +6, deadarm +6, Qwerty2 +8, Dreadtron +8, Giangiotto +7, Overlord_Momo +6, yurtsifu +6, Kyo85 +6, 60sunsets +4, fapsatlightspeed +6, lsgwhg +6, and 14 more...
Posted on 16 June 2020, 04:25 by:
melekain Score
Base +7, Kevin H. Yang +6, Redwolf25 +6, Slick_Prime +6, Qwerty2 +8, Dreadtron +8, Overlord_Momo +6, Tevariin +1, yurtsifu +6, Dark_Helmet +11, Daedal +6, Kyo85 +6, 60sunsets +4, and 29 more...
Posted on 16 June 2020, 15:28 by:
sirpo Score
Base +8, Dark_Helmet +11, Daedal +6, Kyo85 +6, fapsatlightspeed +6, Kevin H. Yang +6, wagic +12, TsunMaki +6, Overlord_Momo +6, MerryMatt -6, Punisher_Born +6, BigOOFF +4, Scarlet99 +6, and 10 more...
Base +6, AshRidden +9, Overlord_Momo +6, jestertester +6, Dr. Ball +8, Savvic +7, bobgamera +6, wagic +12, Dark_Helmet +11, predator1337 +9, LilithsVanguard +1, Scarlet99 +6, Oryx +6, and 22 more...
Base +6, reaper5hun +7, Freedom III +7, predator1337 +9, Mrsuperhappy +53, Glovelove. +18, Xyno2112 +6, fletchlives +8, Braggy +6, 1776XKCD +7, kintustis +6, nightmare_101 +7, shadowwall456 -7, and 10 more...
Base +6, Mrsuperhappy +53, Glovelove. +18, TheBeStRa +7, Fyre11 +2, 1776XKCD +7, kintustis +6, repeatedmeme +10, Purvacus +1, modelmagik +7, Dark_Helmet +12, AntPoub +6, MrSticksandStones +2, and 1 more...
Posted on 12 June 2022, 09:43 by:
fightbos Score
Base +6, Glovelove. +18, Mrsuperhappy +53, Zereth Deagroth +6, 1776XKCD +7, Purvacus +1, AntPoub +6, Gullman +8, peligromayor +1
Base +6, Glovelove. +18, Mrsuperhappy +53, Zereth Deagroth +6, Braggy +6, predator1337 +9, DarkCorruptor666 +1, 1776XKCD +7, TK-4117 +7, Morehead -6, kintustis +6, shadowwall456 +7, Finn617 -4, and 13 more...
Posted on 18 December 2023, 18:37 by:
jhcjr Score
Base +6, TallHatMan +7, hillumyninja +6, Braggy +6, ovidius.naso +6, Seviper4 +7, jestertester +6, repeatedmeme +10, Yahous +7, Freedom III +7, PervyOwl +6, Dreadtron +8, OriginalCube +5, and 19 more...
Posted on 20 July 2024, 00:42 by:
Drake544 Score
Base +4, WolfeTheEdge +8, Gullman +8, Dark_Helmet +12, Ginfof +4, predator1337 +10, Seviper4 +7, Brian.Vini +7, TrinTong +6, Greatness12 +6, Jaythebob +6, jeetu +6, ExecutorBill +11, and 2 more...
Posted on 13 November 2024, 14:58 by:
daman007 Score
Base +6, Gullman +8, shinkimitsu +8, peligromayor +1, Devil-BORN +6
Posted on 17 November 2024, 08:55 by:
advert Score
Base +6, shinkimitsu +8, Gullman +8, dposer +6, peligromayor +1, Devil-BORN +6, Shozo +7
Posted on 19 November 2024, 10:43 by:
yu_10_10 Score
Base +6, Gullman +8, peligromayor +1
Base +6, Gullman +8, peligromayor +1
Posted on 05 December 2024, 18:12 by:
cozzy121 Score
Base +6, whydoifaptothis +8, peligromayor +1