This comic is so long and so difficult to follow. It's like this massive pile of world building that you have to sift just to find the plot - too many characters, too many settings and scenes, and too much baggage.
The art itself is great - no complaints at all there. But the dude desperately needs someone to ghost write for him.
Base +6, BigRumpCushion -8, FFFFFACK +13, JoeWill1980 +6, aznbbw +6
fucking hell the mc STILL isn't fat??? since pixie started this I've passed both secondary school AND college, for context on how long this has been dragged out for. and I wouldn't even be complaining if the MC just gained some fucking weight, thekoudelka has been at one weight gain comic since 2005 and its great. because SHE GAINS FUCKING WEIGHT, as an MC should in a WEIGHT GAIN comic
Base +6, JoeWill1980 +6, BigRumpCushion -8, aznbbw +6