Fan translation of Akairo's story from Toro Toro Resistance's ~HEAVEN~ compilation. The original can be found here, starting on page 35: /g/1479057/f72f0f2987/
The story overall was not bad, but I do feel like that girl suddenly turning into a succubus was just way to sudden and kind of felt rushed. Like what actually turned her into a succubus? There should be some kind of process for this, and not just have one succubus tell a girl to look at this and all of the sudden in the next page that girl is now a succubus. I could think of at least 20 different ways to do some kind of process to transform a girl into a succubus that would make things interesting story wise and also be erotic. ;) As for the art work and art style, it's not bad. The line work isn't a scratchy mess like with some art and the shading, cross hatching/half tone work isn't a mess where it is hard to tell what's what. Also the contrast is good. The white censor bars are a disappointment as always, but I guess that is not really something I can 100% fault the creator for. : But also the mess of hair down there completely ruins it for me and is a big turn off. DX So the only real enjoyment I got out of this was from reading the story bits. I would like to read some more succubi stories like this, but maybe make them a bit longer.