G-Breaker was a series of three PS2 games released around 2002, set in the same world of Cloudia as the original mecha from Sunrise Eiyuutan (aka Sunrise Epic or Sunrise Heroic Tale) of 1999-2000. Kunio Okawara designed the mecha for both franchises, including the Ground Trooper GTB77 Gunblaze, which has 26 different equipment sets -- one for each letter of the alphabet. This was done 20+ years before the Gundam F90 A-to-Z Project, which uses the same premise for its gimmick. Anyway, these are worth seeing. Enjoy!
Thank you, these are DEFINITELY worth seeing, god these are gorgeous! Compare this to that piece of trash gquuuuuuuux or whatever the shit that's coming out, and it makes you wanna cry for good robot design
Base +7, gtf234 -7, BadDogSasha -6, jkezer -12, wichaio -6
Personally, I love Ikuto Yamashita's mecha designs and I'm super psyched for GQuuuuuux. Yamashita's style is very unconventional, and variety is the spice of life. GQuuuuuux is an alternate universe, it can look as different as it wants. Anyway, I'm glad you appreciate this upload!