Satsuki Komiyama, a film major at an art school, is making an independent film with an acquaintance but is having trouble with an important love scene in the story. She consults with one of her friends, Haruno Ayato (nicknamed Haru). ''Maybe it's because I don't have enough experience'' Satsuki says dejectedly. ''How about filming yourself having sex?'' ''Well, I've thought about that a little bit. I don't know if I should date a guy just for that...'' Then Haru says, ''Shall I do it?'' ''You don't have to force yourself. I know you're gay, after all...'' ''I thought maybe that's what I thought'' ''When I had sex with the guy I was dating in school, I couldn't get it up at all'' ''But...'' Satsuki is confused by the unexpected confession from her friend, who she thought was in safe territory. Furthermore, she is at the mercy of Haru's charm as a man...