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Gabital - Fantasy Capitalism 101 [Ongoing]

Posted:2024-12-23 10:00
File Size:218.7 MiB
Length:34 pages
Favorited:93 times
Average: 4.78

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Posted on 23 December 2024, 10:00 by:   onenightes    PM
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Posted on 10 December 2024, 23:48 by:   Thoromuerte    PM
Score +28
Anti-capitalist message, now on your favourite porn site!

Approved! :D
Posted on 11 December 2024, 01:41 by:   SomeGuy91    PM
Score +69
actually, its very pro capitalist. "if you dont like the way it is, just do it yourself."
what it really doesnt like is CRONY capitalism where established buisness owners get special deals.
Posted on 11 December 2024, 02:50 by:   Genoshia    PM
Score +42
@Thoromuerte This is pretty much exclusively pro-capitalism. Under capitalism, the correct solution to a bad boss is to stop working for them. The systems shown also allow Gabi to start her own business, instead of outright stopping her as would be the case in other economic structures.
Even her old boss takes the capitalist route in competing with her-so far-by trying to leverage his existing wealth as a means to out compete her. Instead of lobbying additional license requirements that ensures only his wheels are 'government approved,' which is how you'd compete in a more socialist system.

This doesn't denounce capitalism; It highlights the traps and pitfalls of it, shows how to get around them, and points out how capitalism is enabling the option to combat corruption by just being a better business.
Posted on 12 December 2024, 23:59 by:   Hitman1826    PM
Score -98
Goddamn, dude. This is just bad propaganda lol. Literally every page is either just flatout wrong, strawmanning, and/or not completely understanding the concepts it tries to demonstrate lol.
Posted on 22 December 2024, 14:07 by:   Pedrobeartimon    PM
Score +20
Communists do such a good job at proving capitalism to be a better financial system
Posted on 23 December 2024, 12:01 by:   thatguy26    PM
Score +3
buncha gonner dipshits in the comments simping for the system that exploits them lmao
Posted on 23 December 2024, 14:47 by:   Pedrobeartimon    PM
Score +19
thatguy26 acting like needing to take action yourself to fix a problem that you want fixed is wrong and other people should just do it for you
Posted on 23 December 2024, 18:31 by:   AbusePuppy    PM
Score -34

"Crony capitalism" isn't a real thing, it's what people simping for capitalism say to defend it. Same as folks saying "but the Soviet Union/CCCP/etc wasn't REAL communism!" as a way to try and sidestep the discussion. All capitalism is inherently nepotistic, and it's always gonna result in Good Ol' Boys power structures wherein the rich and hyper-rich conspire to protect their own interests at the expense of everyone else and of society in general. That is what the system does, and how it's designed to work.

>instead of outright stopping her as would be the case in other economic structures.

What... economic structures do you know of that would prohibit the starting of businesses? I feel like that would be a pretty obvious problem for any kind of economic theory that tried to practice it. Even the most authoritarian of command economies usually only dictate specific sectors and/or products, rather than a ban on what sort of businesses are allowed to exist.
Posted on 24 December 2024, 07:08 by:   Genoshia    PM
Score +17
@AbusePuppy Both socialism and communism hold strict control over what businesses are and are not allowed to operate. Under a socialist economic structure, businesses are required to meet strict, government-enforced requirements in order to be allowed to operate. Gabi would have met none of them, as she did not have land rights for her business from the city, any sort of licensing for operation, and certainly did not obtain any form of license in regards to hiring other employees.
Those things were eventually forced upon her, but under a socialist system she would have faced massive fines and possibly worse penalties for not having already met them in the first place. This is because socialism, in practice, makes it extremely difficult for any entity that does not already have power to start their own business, as they're expected to meet criteria already existing conglomerates are able to meet only due to existing hordes of capital to carry them through these processes when they're not earning income. This is why many American businesses fail to break into European markets, and why many entrepreneurs prefer to move to America to start small businesses.
While it can be argued-it varies between specific systems-that these restrictions are a benefit to the workers, it is just a fact that they prohibit the creation of new businesses in ways that capitalism does not.

And while Gabi MIGHT have been able to start a competing business under a socialist structure-she very definitely would have needed a great deal more start up capital than she is shown as having in this comic, and the comic would have needed to explain a great deal more bureaucracy before getting to the actual business portion-under a communist structure, she simply could not have.
Competing businesses do not exist under communist structures. Under a communist structure, individuals are not allowed to own their own business, as they have no rights to their own labor. All things are owned by the collective, i.e. the government. As there is an already established and existing business to provide the exact service she wants to offer-someone she would be competing with, for profit-she would first have to show that her business provides something to the community it is not already being provided by Chief's business. It's literally the same business, using methods he's already using to create goods he's already creating. As such, Gabi would not have been allowed the rights to property-which would be owned by the government-the materials-also own by the government-or the labor-again, government owned-to open her business. Very likely, she would not even been allowed to quit, as under most communist systems blue-collar labor such as hers is assigned to citizens by the government, often via lottery, and as such they are not allowed to just quit working them.

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