The final installment of "Another World" by Yuzuki N' and this time we look things from Asakura's perspective. Who's Asakura? Well, he's the guy who trained Rei Nagayama anal.
Here we get to know Asakura's past and man, it wasn't pretty. I think I understood him better in this story and almost being sympathetic to him but wait!
He's the one who messed up Fujimori and Nagayama's relationship.
Yet, I think Yuzuki N' should continue this story. Asakura needs a happy ending, damn it! He went through a lot of shit and in the end, all he got is...nothing. Come on, that's too sad. He should redeem himself.
Hell, life is never pretty anyway.
I give this another 7. I understood why Asakura is like that and now, everything comes in a full circle. Strangely, I didn't rage over "Hand", unlike the previous stories.