If you choose to ignore these options and proceed nonetheless, allow me to offer a word of advice: downvoting or posting disparaging comments about AI-generated art DOES NOT confer the air of discernment you may believe it does. Instead, I kindly urge you to close the page and move on to spare both your time and mine. (And to @pinkmask @icontributenothing, the spineless coward who hides behind downvotes: you're pathetic) 如果前两点都没有做到,一往无前的点了进来,那么我奉劝一句:无论是刷低分和或者在评论中贬损AIGC都不能证明你具有高雅的鉴赏水平,请直接关闭网页退出,节省大家的时间
On the other hand, if you have a cherished Patreon artist to recommend or wish to share particularly striking AI-generated works, feel free to reach out to me at https://t.me/Cantontele. Naturally, I'd also be delighted to engage in casual conversation. 如果你有特别喜欢的Patreon画师推荐,或者你有特别好看的AI图分享,请联系:https://t.me/Cantontele。当然,单纯吹吹水我也非常欢迎
hi thank you very much for sharing these, i'd like to recommend two artist : https://x.com/nekosuki8401 and https://x.com/vivilubi7 and the artist known by the username pomato (for this one there're some already shared here but the last couple ones posted prior the artist retirement are not yet shared) , if you'd be willing to share them would be nice.