Very solid premise, and Panchy is a fantastic character for it. The first 30 days were a great buildup, teasing her all the way, though it didn't give her much growth. But page 41 was supremely disappointing. Personally, dragon/demon forms don't do anything for me. It was all downhill from there.
I think I just look for something else in NNN series: massive growth. Balls, length, girth, boobs, ass, muscle, the rest of the body. Some combination of those elements. And this ain't that. The last 20 pages just totally killed the whole thing faster than a Frieza death beam to the chest. While the idea of Panchy getting corrupted, and in turn corrupting others, is a fantastic idea with lots of potential, it just didn't do anything physically interesting.
I respect the writing here, the characters, the dialogue, the art quality. But it just didn't hit the kinks I was hoping it would. A NNN with only minor growth and 0 cumflation is a failure to deliver in my book. It came so . . . SO damn close to greatness, but after day 30 it just didn't go anywhere I was interested in and it feels like a waste.