Posted on 28 December 2010, 01:23 by:
edson Score
Base +10, +8, S3xta_Espada -4, k_dash_x -6, waltergeist +7
Base +6, StriderBR -5, TempRarity -5, kalnaf +7, S3xta_Espada +4, batanaka -7, huitzil93 -2, Brickster +12, Tsukimaru +21, Bumbumbumbumbum +4
Posted on 28 December 2010, 17:56 by:
nerdy666 Score
Base +3, TempRarity +5, gengkun -7, AriesWarlock -7, S3xta_Espada -4, prinnylaharl -6, Dydelhaert -7, batanaka +7, DevilsAdvocate -5, Randomguy664 -9, Soulslash -3, NMEEnterprises -1, anotherblackluver +5, and 4 more...
Base +16, S3xta_Espada +4, batanaka -7, Tsukimaru +21
Base +3, S3xta_Espada -4, prinnylaharl -6, thefourkingdoms -8, batanaka +7, DevilsAdvocate -5, NMEEnterprises -1, darkova -8, kikimaru024 +9, SsSanaki +5, huitzil93 +2, Tsukimaru -21, waltergeist -7, and 3 more...