Mai had been following the trending hashtag on Twitter, "#RentAPet," and had been making quite a lot of money from it lately. She posted a tweet, slightly exposing her breasts, saying she was available to be "rented" for the weekend. Later, dressed comfortably in her pajamas, she received a notification. Someone had put in a request to rent her, but with some unusual requirements, including that she wear a reverse bunnygirl suit. Luckily, she had one at home, though she found the request odd.
The next day, she made her way to the address provided in the message. She was already pretty mad about having to go to all this trouble, but she figured she'd do what she had to and then teach this pervert a lesson.
As she walked up to the house, the man who had rented her, Mr. K, appeared at the door. "Welcome. Please, come in," he greeted her.
"Okay. What do you want me to do?" she asked.
"Just treat me as you would any customer. Okay, Mai?" he replied.
Mai thought, This guy has gotta be fucking with me. She said, "Fine. Let's just get this over with.
She started off by kissing him. She figured if he wanted her to treat him like a customer, then she'd just get him off as quick as possible.
She took her foot and started rubbing his cock with her shoe. "Okay, you came. Can we get this over with now?" she said, hoping he'd give up.
"No, Mai," he replied. "We're not finished yet. But we are going to do something different now."
Mai sighed and asked, "What is it?"
Mr. K said, "Well, since you don't seem to enjoy doing things the usual way, I think I need to teach you a lesson. You're a bad girl, Mai. A very, very naughty girl. And now, you have to pay the price."
"Oh, no. Whatever will I do?" she said mockingly.
He said, "First, we're going to try some new things. I want you to call me 'master.' Got it?"
"Yeah. Sure, whatever." she replied.
"You can't speak that way to me anymore. You're not allowed to talk unless you're told to, got it?" he said.
"Yeah, master," she answered.
"Good girl," he replied.
He laid her on her back in a missionary position and began pounding her pussy. Mai didn't want to admit it, but the sensation was incredibly good. She tried to keep her composure, but as the man continued thrusting, switching positions, and filling her with his massive cock, she couldn't hide her pleasure any longer. Her moans turned into cries of ecstasy.
The man said, "I'm getting close. I'm going to cum in you."
"Master! Please cum in me!" she moaned.
She had never felt anything like this before. Her legs began to shake uncontrollably, and her eyes rolled back into her head.
"Please, master! Fill me with your cum! Make me yours forever! Fuck me, fuck me, FUCK ME!!" she screamed.
She couldn't help herself. The pleasure was just too much.
After he filled her with his seed, she collapsed onto the bed. She had never felt anything like that before. She couldn't believe how good it felt.
After the man had cum inside of her, Mai had gotten a notification that Mr.K would like to hire her has a permanent pet. She accepted, and the next day she moved into his home.
Her new owner took her out for walks every night, and they fucked often. One night, she realized she was pregnant, but the man was happy and said, "Good job, girl."