Base +4, imsm +4, qazxsw21 +6, amt +5, delcogen +3, guy11 +6, Moe Zayik +16, Razorflame +17, openminded20 +6, ABC DEF +9, George642 +8, Ejastik +7, Nitramy +5, and 6 more...
Posted on 29 December 2010, 09:15 by:
kaersten Score
Base +1, Argethlam +4, Razorflame +17, ABC DEF +9
Posted on 29 December 2010, 11:32 by:
hoccus1 Score
Base +4, Argethlam +4, Razorflame +17, openminded20 +6, ABC DEF +9, Xcel +7, Giovannihur +4
Posted on 30 December 2010, 03:43 by:
elda88 Score
Base +8, Razorflame +17, openminded20 +6, ABC DEF +9, Xcel +7, Giovannihur +4, Hyoros +8, Maxer123 +6
Posted on 01 January 2011, 20:34 by:
skitzojoe Score
Base +1, Razorflame +17, TheJackfrost +11, openminded20 +6, ABC DEF +9, Xcel +7, George642 +8, kiwirori +2, glib24 +7, UnknowDestroyer +7, Giovannihur +4, Khione +5, Maxer123 +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 18 January 2011, 02:23 by:
D u b b y Score
Base +7, Razorflame +18, ABC DEF +9, boatshideunderwater +8, Generika +14, UnknowDestroyer +7, Giovannihur +4, Hyoros +8
Base +7, openminded20 +6, Razorflame +23, ABC DEF +9, Giovannihur +4, Maxer123 +6
Posted on 29 January 2012, 13:13 by:
Exp1osion Score
Base +8, ABC DEF +9, Giovannihur +4
Posted on 09 November 2015, 20:19 by:
zazuge Score
Base +6, Hyoros +10
Posted on 15 February 2016, 02:35 by:
asehastly Score
Base +5, Robbi-985 -6, Maxer123 +6