Should you find AI-generated images unappealing, you may filter posts by relevant tags or simply bypass them when "[AI Generated]" appears in the title. 如果阁下不喜欢AI图,可以学习如何屏蔽带相关TAG的帖子,或是看见AIGC标题时自行绕路。
If you choose to ignore these options and proceed nonetheless, allow me to offer a word of advice: downvoting or posting disparaging comments about AI-generated art DOES NOT confer the air of discernment you may believe it does. Instead, I kindly urge you to close the page and move on to spare both your time and mine. (And to @pinkmask @icontributenothing, the spineless coward who hides behind downvotes: you're pathetic) 如果前两点都没有做到,一往无前的点了进来,那么我奉劝一句:无论是刷低分和或者在评论中贬损AIGC都不能证明你具有高雅的鉴赏水平,请直接关闭网页退出,节省大家的时间
On the other hand, if you have a cherished Patreon artist to recommend or wish to share particularly striking AI-generated works, feel free to reach out to me at Naturally, I'd also be delighted to engage in casual conversation. 如果你有特别喜欢的Patreon画师推荐,或者你有特别好看的AI图分享,请联系:。当然,单纯吹吹水我也非常欢迎
传错了,混了两个不同画师的作品,请忽略 I sincerely apologize for the confusion caused by mixing up two different artists in a single post due to unclear information from the person who shared the resources with me. I wish to delete the post and repost it correctly. Could someone familiar with the forum rules kindly guide me on how to delete this post? I clicked "disdown," but the post remains visible.