Posted on 08 January 2011, 08:07 by:
stecaz Base +1, skyfoda +8, Shades of Blue +5, rjimenez666 -6, stupid army -8, akunoko -28, bp1005 -3, MelmothTheWanderer +33, Orengestar -7
Base +4, Ryougi -7, Shades of Blue -5, nowittycomment +6, waltergeist -8, psicomenace +8, Geosage -10
Base +6, Ryougi -7, Shades of Blue -5, waltergeist -8, stupid army +8, akunoko -28, MelmothTheWanderer +33, Orengestar +7
Posted on 23 September 2011, 21:38 by:
ChoFan1q Score
Base +5, Techwire +15, shaggy88 -8, bobneil -7, zReen -9, rodrick -7, A_trophy1 +7, tri_dead_91489 -6, waltergeist -8, psicomenace -8, rjimenez666 -5, Geosage -10, Zomnus -14, and 4 more...
Posted on 15 September 2012, 23:02 by:
ballcock Score
Base +4, Shades of Blue +5, pekka81 +6, tcetce +6, psicomenace +8, rjimenez666 +5, Ooe Kintarou +4, EroticWaffle +6, Zomnus +14, BlueSmoke +6, Shigimatsu +7, troybayliss +8, stupid army +8, and 2 more...
Base +6, Fedorameister +6, akunoko -28, MelmothTheWanderer +33, Katajanmarja +16