Posted on 22 January 2011, 18:28 by:
YQII Base +4, Fibo -6, yoshi245 +8, Hjackmember +7, Deserex +6, elnico +8, dt_lol -7, dickliker420 +2, paar +4, knightex +6, deuce22 -9, skyfoda +9, Hayate.sp +7, and 63 more...
Base +5, Sentiment +1, fuckmewitharake -5, Leo the Leo +7, joeyklebitz4life -7, Azura Meta +6, Budda001 +6, fiestyferret +2
Base +5, lordofevilcr +8, gurumao -11, Cadavrus +1, Ryougi -6, TlchildSinX -5, sefra -8, Jafri89 -9, leopark -9, yuripe -21, Sentiment -1, Lolzmang -7, Palaxius +7, and 3 more...
Base +5, Lolzmang -6, Dividedbyzero -8, Sentiment -1, Mr.Scorpius -6, fuckmewitharake +5, snakenbacon -7, falker36 +9, Sadie123 +4, joeyklebitz4life -7, Palaxius -30, codyman1234 -3, MoonShine +7, and 3 more...
Posted on 23 January 2011, 05:32 by:
dap00 Score
Base +23, gooper50 +1, leopark -9, Dividedbyzero -8, Blhue -7, Palaxius +7, fuckmewitharake +5, falker36 -9, Sadie123 +4, MoonShine +7, GGS +10, ryukka -6, Dorseen +7, and 3 more...
Base +9, Sentiment +1, fuckmewitharake -5, falker36 -9, Sadie123 +4, joeyklebitz4life -7, Palaxius -30, codyman1234 -3, MoonShine +7, Havelmom -5, Dash-Dash-Dash -7, GGS -10
Base +6, shawn2345 +3, falker36 -9, joeyklebitz4life -7, Palaxius -30, Havelmom -5, Fxcode -7, Dash-Dash-Dash -7
Posted on 29 January 2011, 07:21 by:
mickey711 Score
Base +1, Randomguy664 +9, scythewielder +8, HXW +6, leopark +9, yuripe +21, Dividedbyzero +8, Sentiment +1, SilverWolf765 +9, Blhue +7, fuckmewitharake -5, falker36 -9, Lolzmang +8, and 25 more...
Base +1, Sadie123 +4, Leo the Leo +7, joeyklebitz4life -7, Lady-Akane +2
Posted on 04 November 2012, 06:11 by:
Saiori Score
Base +11, falker36 -9, Sadie123 +4, rising11 +6, Leo the Leo +7, joeyklebitz4life -7, Crystalium +7, codyman1234 +3, Budda001 +6, rockarolla +6, Dash-Dash-Dash -7, GGS -10, Lady-Akane +2, and 2 more...
Posted on 25 February 2013, 19:12 by:
Kinights Score
Base +12, rising11 +6, Leo the Leo +7, aiwotorimodose +21, Crystalium +7, codyman1234 +3, Parrapa +6, Dash-Dash-Dash -7, TheHazard +5, fiestyferret +2, Lady-Akane +2, nayon +7
Base +7, Lolzmang -9, LeifGram -6, Dash-Dash-Dash +7, GGS +10, Daddyfatsack +6, IM_Mortal +7, theUserNam3 +6, nayon +7, jackripper026 +9, 44inf +6, DT3 +6
Base +5, Dustubuni +6, GGS -10, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Base +1, MoonShine +7, Dash-Dash-Dash -7
Base +7, Dustubuni +6, Dash-Dash-Dash -7, GGS -10
Base +7, Dash-Dash-Dash -7, Taka at work -10, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Posted on 01 March 2020, 13:37 by:
Floripes Score
Base +39